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Standing back in her house Veda wanted to vomit. After everything was explained she nodded and agreed to fight just because she couldn't let Carlisle go do something stupid without her.

Holding onto Rena's hand, Veda looked down at the younger vampire who just smiled excitedly. While Carson just stood rigid next to Veda taking in everything.

"Mo- Veda I'm scared." Carson almost slipped up as he was walking with Veda and Rena outside.  "You guys don't have to fight. I'm telling you." Veda said with a small smile playing at her lips at what Carson almost called her.

Christmas had passed and the vampires knew the next day the Volturi would arrive.
"And let you die? Hell no!" Carson said.
"Language and I won't die. Why so two can haunt me? No way!" Veda said with a smirk. Within the past week Veda had taken on the parenting roll of the two newborns. Which they seemed to appreciate. Rena loved having Veda care about her, it was something she never had. While Carson felt embarrassed but still loved the gesture. He knew his little sister was attached to Veda, and so was he.

"Hey Veda.. can I talk to you for a second?" Carlisle's silk voice asked causing Veda to turn and look at the gorgeous man behind her.

Nodding Veda let go of Rena's hand. "Be good, Ill be back." Veda instructed the newborns who just nodded and smiled at Veda.

"What is it you wanted to talk about?"

The two immortals were deep in the woods just starring at each other. "Fifty years huh?" Carlisle stated.
"I was upset, still sorta am. I mean come on! We drifted apart! You didn't even give a shit I left!" Veda spat.

"I didn't care? I didn't care? Thats a bunch of bull shit!" Carlisle swore very angry.
"I almost gave up! I love you so much!"
"Well you didn't fucking show it! I'm sorry I have abandonment issues! And the one man I actually love was ignoring me!"

"You act like you are the only one who doesn't know how to love!"
"Well doesn't help you are so cocky all the fucking time!!  Carlisle I trusted you, I still do but I'm not coming back so you can leave and play doctor when someone gets hurt! I won't do that!"

"I know..." Carlisle said softly after the two were yelling pretty loudly. "I regret everything I did to hurt you. I couldn't possibly ask you to come back but I need you, Veda I want you to come back. I want to marry you someday. I want those two newborns to be ours. I want to have a life, an eternal life with you... the love of my life, the sole purpose to my life." Carlisle walked over and gently grabbed Veda and pulled her into him so their bodies were pressed together.

"I..." Veda paused. "I don't think I've ever heard you swear.. and if you went to those lengths.. you must mean what you say.." Veda said unsure as nerves rattled her dead shattered bones.

"I do." Carlisle said with a smile.
Leaning Carlisle connected his lips to Veda's and she felt complete. The mate bond lit up like a spark and every emotion the two immortals used in kissing.

Getting heated Carlisle backed Veda into a tree. Kissing down her neck Carlisle gently bit down making Veda gasped.
"I love you Veda."
"I love you Carlisle."

With that their tongues went into a battle for dominance, Carlisle coming out as the winner. Grabbing her waist he squeezed making Veda gasp.

"Carlisle please. I'm ready."

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