Chapter 3: Diagon Alley

Start from the beginning

- Wise decision. - Snape complimented. He told the goblin to take 1,000 Galleons, 1,000 Sickles and 100 Knuts from the safe. The goblin wrote it down and put it in a ram's horn. After a while, another goblin came in and handed Snape a small fabric bag. He bowed and left.

Snape then turned to the goblin and made a bowing gesture with his hand:

- Thank you. May your gold prosper and your weapons shine.

The goblin then did the same:

- And may your enemies fall before you.


- Do you know the language I was speaking in, Harry? - Snape asked him once they were out of the bank.

- I thought you were speaking in English. I understood it perfectly, you know.

Snape looked quite astonished. He asked Harry again:

- You...understood that?

- Yes, every word. What was the name of that language anyway?

- That was the goblin language, Gobbledygook. Each magical creature has its own language. Goblins have Gobbledygook, Veelas converse in Verdicere, Merpeople speak Mermish,... and that is only the mere tip of the iceberg. You will find out more about magical creatures and beings along with knowledge necessary for your future when you venture further into your studies at Hogwarts.

Harry's eyes widen with awe at the thought of studying at Hogwarts. Oh, the things he could learn! He almost couldn't stop himself from jumping up and down. Eventually, he calmed himself down just in time, and the only remnance of his joy was the sparkling light in his eyes. He smiled happily. He couldn't wait to go to Hogwarts.

Snape had a good long look at the boy. He definitely had lots of secrets, some were unknown even to the boy himself. He did think of a possibility that the boy was placed under blocks, but that was imhumane. However, he couldn't eliminate that prospect entirely, because if that was true, he would never forgive himself for letting the boy endure the agony. He would have to take the boy here again in a more suitable time.

Suddenly, a blur of red bumped into them, knocking Harry to the ground. Snape quickly helped him up while grimacing at the figure:

- What brings our "dear" miss Skeeter out here today? Prying for news again? Or shocking stories that only exist in your imagination?

The red figure stood up. It was a woman in her mid-forties. She had short curly blond hair. She was wearing thick make-up and a shockingly red dress. She laughed noisily:

- Dear Severus, always in for a good laugh.

Harry had never heard such grating voice like that of Skeeter. It was so annoying that it sounded like someone was stratching on glass. He shivered slightly and scrunched his face.

- You are not allowed to call me by my name, Skeeter. Remember that. - Snape scowled.

Skeeter held her hand up defensively:

- Alright, alright, the professor isn't up for a joke then.

Snape gritted his teeth:

- I repeat my question, Skeeter: what are you doing here.

She twirled her hair playfully:

- Why, your walking with the Chosen One's brother is terrific news already.

- This has nothing to do with Harry's ignorant sister. Now step aside, we've got things to do.

Snape's magic was flaring around him, emanating a dark glow. That frightened Skeeter, for she shifted aside as quickly as she could. Severus brushed past her, his robes billowing behind him as he walked away with Harry behind him.

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