Chapter 40

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Camile's POV

"Mommy look what i drew!!" said my little boy Max

"Wow! Wait till daddy get's here here and you can show him okay?" I smiled

"Okay!" he laughed as he ran off to the living room

"aaaaaaaa!!" screamed Luke and Skylar as they ran across me

"Luke!! Skylar!! In the living room both of you!!" I said loudly

I grabbed a bowl of fruits and took it with me to the living room

"Snack time!!" I said as i put the bowl of fruits in front of the kids

"I heard snack time!!" said Charlotte as she ran over and sat with her siblings

I then heard the door open and a really happy husband came home

"Hello beautiful family!!!" yelled Austin as he kissed the kids heads

"Look daddy" said Max as he gave him his drawing

"Wow!! Do you know where this is going?" he asked "On the fridge!!"

I just stood there and stared at my loving husband

"How's my favorite lady?" said a husky voice from behind me

"She's great!" I said as i tured around

He leaned in for a kiss but i quickly dodged him

"Run!!!" I laughed as i ran to the backyard

"Camz!!" yelled Austin

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and we both fell on the floor and laughed

He pulled me on top of him and said "Running away from me huh?"

"Yup!" I laughed as he kissed me passionately

Just then all the kids jumped over us

"OOOHHH DADDY'S GONNA GET ALL OF YOU!!!" yelled Austin as he grabbed Max and started running around the garden chasing the other kids

"Okay kids back inside!" said Austin

They all screamed and yelled and ran back into the house

"Did you just do that to have a moment with me?" I asked

"I'm busted!!" he said

"I love you" i smiled

"I love you too!" he smirked as he kissed me passionately

Well all this time i was wondering if i can make it... Turns out i did ... I made it

The End


Thanks to everyone who read this fan fic and i hoped you liked it!!! 😊

Camile xx

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