Dead to me

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Red woke to pain again. His brother had slammed his head into the post's table surface to wake him. Now, Red was airborne, his body thrown towards a tree.

"WHAT DID I TELL YOU, IDIOT?!" Edge screeched in his brother's now bleeding face.

Red was slumped into the tree, his spine sending waves of pain through his body. Small, pinprick bones shot into him like pins into a pin cushion. And just like a pincushion, Red would still hold together and not dust with attacks like these.

But damn did they hurt.

Edge grabbed Red by the collar. No, not by the collar of his jacket or red turtle neck, but by a real red dog collar. He knew holding Red like this would still allow him to breathe, but just barely.

Edge punched Red repeatedly, most punches aimed into the sternum or ribs. Satisfied after the tenth crack under his fist, Edge stopped the punches to Red's chest. He now held him by the arm, which pulled, wanting to pop out of his socket.

When Edge tightened his fist fully, the bone crunched. Finally, Red let out a real scream in pain, a large difference from the yelps of pain. Red only screamed, hoping it would satisfy his brother enough to stop him.

"I hope you die out her, scum," Edge growled with a menacing smirk. He held up Red's hood to a high spot in a tree, and struck a bone through the back of the jacket.

Red hung from the tree, bleeding and broken. He couldn't move and he knew it. If he moved too much and hit the bone, the attack would only weaken his hp more.

Edge stomped away now, snow seemed to melt from how angry he still was.

Red felt the box in his chest again. He couldn't hold it closed any longer. Red burst into tears, the pain overwhelming him. He and his brother both knew that after sleeping, your health goes over its max, meaning Red can suffer more without dying.

As Edge was completely out of range, the Bone weakened and splintered off the tree. It dropped and landed into the chest of Red, who cried out in pain after also landing on a root.

He wasn't able to stand. He had broken down into emotions that he had held back for years. He was going to die out here and his brother wasn't going to care.

Finally, darkness pecked a the corners of the pained skeleton's eye sight. Then he slowly and painfully fell under a sleep.

Unknown to Red, just a ways away, with him in sight, a portal opened.


Stretch stumbled behind Blue, barely able to keep up with his eccentric brother, who was currently dragging Stretch by the sleeve of his orange jacket.

"Come on, bro!!" Blue cried, then pointed towards the portal which was now in sights, "It's right there! We have to go help somebody!!"

Soon the brothers reached the portal. Through the portal, a small figure in the snow was covered in red, and red blotches were everywhere in the snow.

Needless to say, Stretch wasn't liking this situation.

"Blue, stay here," Stretch said, pointing to the ground. One look told his brother, who was beginning to object, that there was no discussion about it.

Stretch then began to jog towards the figure in the snow while Blue reluctantly stood there at the portal.

Stretch was growing more worried the closer he got, as he saw everything clearer. It was a Sans on the ground, half buried in the snow. He was bleeding badly, so much to where the snow around him made a full red circle of blood stained, dusty snow.

Carefully, Stretch picked up the unconcious Sans. He was surprised at how light the skeleton was, but pushed the thought aside as he ran.

He ran past the portal, which had flickering sided that implied it wasn't going to last much longer, even past his brother. Both Stretch and Blue knew that Stretch was racing to get to the house. With how bad the skeleton looked, there was no way they could get him to Undyne's. Stretch didn't think the skeleton could make it through on of his 'shortcuts' in a state like this.

"What is wrong with him, brother?!" Blue asked as he ran beside Stretch.

"I don't know all of it. All I know is that he needs a healing, stat," Stretch replied.

Blue knew this was definitely serious. Any sign of laziness left Stretch's voice and stance. Not even a thought of a small quip seemed to have passed through Stretch's mind.

Stretch placed the Sans down on a blanket that protected the couch from the blood for now.

"Blue, get anything we have that can heal," Stretch said.

Blue nodded and ran off.

Stretch knew they didn't own much healing items, but Blue would search the entire house for everything, which means he wouldn't be there to see the full extent of the damage caused to the skeleton.

He began to carefully strip off the bloodied jacket. He saw the collar and hesitated for a second in thought, he scanned the skeleton, trying to assess the situation. He shook his head to clear it and slowly slipped the turtleneck off the skeleton.

It was a nightmare of a scene that would chill anyone to the bone. The skeleton had a crack on every rib. From hairline fractures to almost hanging off. His sternum was cracked like glass, and through his ribs, even his Soul brandished cracking. Each crack was caked in blood or was still oozing it. The skeleton's arm was broken, but easy to be able to set back.The Stretch also saw a lines like the rungs of ladders that were pieces of bone, chipped away, on both arms. Dark bruises were already forming. The skeleton's face also held a large crack, but it wasn't a new one. The amount of blood made it hard for Stretch to keep examining as he tried to heal everything he could.

He shakily bandaged everything else. He used the items Blue had tossed to him (Because Stretch wouldn't let Blue see) Then slipped one of Blue's spare shirts onto the Sans.

"Will he be okay?" Blue asked worriedly, now able to see him without Stretch worrying over blood.

"I don't know, but I can tell you now, who ever did this to him sure won't be if I ever meet them," Stretch replied, then taking a swig of honey, feeling he needed it and half wishing it were spiked.

Word Count: 1104

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