Preganat?/Making Love

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I woke up wrapped in Nicks arms. It felt good. His warm body on mine. All of a sudden I felt a rush of just pain and disgust. I threw his arms off me and ran to the bathroom.

I puked.

I puked.

I pucked.

I knew this was gonna happen. But how?

I'm unable to have kids. I mean I would love to have kids, but I'm unable to have them.

"Baby!" Nick yelled.

"Bathroom!" I yelled back.

He ran in the bathroom and held my hair back.

"Its gonna be OK. I'm here with you" he kissed my head.

He helped me up off the floor and into the shower. He turned the water on.

"Take a bath. I'll call your doctor and make an appointment for you" he said. He makes my days so much better.

I took a long hot shower. Once I was done I dried myself. I walked out and seen an outfit layed out on the bed. I smiled then put my clothes on.

I walked downstairs and he was making breakfast

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I walked downstairs and he was making breakfast.

"You have an appointment at 11 today" he looked at me. I nodded.

We passed time by just sitting on the couch watching movies, as he played with my hair.

I still wasn't feeling good. At all. But all Nick could do for me is just be there for me, because he didn't know what was wrong with me.

It was time for us to leave so Nick and I got into one of my cars and headed to my appointment.


Once we arrived I signed in and waited a little bit until we got called in.

"Come in baby" I told Nick.

He stood up and we walked in.

"So who'd you bring in this time?" Dr.Mendez asked.

"This is my boyfriend" I smiled.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Nick" he held out his hand.

"I'm Dr.Mendez" he shook his hand.

"So what's wrong today?" He asked.

"I've been having these weird symthoms with my body. So like I woke up thus morning and I just puked, and my stomach is hurting" I told.

"OK, so answer this question truthfully because people usually lie about this. Have you been sexually active?" He asked.

"Yes" I nodded.

"Ok, so, here's the deal, we're gonna go up to the 5th floor and get you an ultrasound check. But if its not what I think it is because the last to e you came here you were unable to have kids, but if it isn't that then we're gonna have to do another check and see what's wrong" he explained.

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