Yes Nick

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"Ok, hit me with the first question" Nick sat down facing me.

"1.What is my whole name?" I asked him.

"Kimmy Dawson Mara" he smirked.

"You're cute, but wrong" I smiled.

"No, OK fine, Kimmy Dawson Anika" he told.

"2.How many siblings do I have and what are their names?" I asked.

"You have 3 siblings, and their names are Shine, Terrell, and baby Asia" he told.

"3.What do my parents do for a living?" I asked.

"Your mom's a successfully business woman is what you said, and your dad runs the streets" he nodded.

"4.What is my favorite thing to eat for breakfast?"

"Whatever I make, so, eggs, bacon, pancakes, toast, ext" he answered.

"5.Do I prefer chocolate or vanilla?"

"Chocolate, who doesn't like chocolate?" He asked.

"6.Do I like spicy food?"

"You absolutely love spicy food" he answered with confidence.

"7. What is my favorite candy?"

"Watermelon Sour Patch Kids" he nodded.

"8. How old was I when I had my first kiss?"

"Oh, you told me this before. I believe you were 5, in your classroom by your kindergarten crush" he told.

"9. What is my favorite part of your body?"

"Wait, you have that?" He asked. I nodded smiling.

"Gosh Kimmy, I don't know, my dick I'm guessing" he smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"10. Who has more shoes?"

"Definitely me" he answered confidently.

"11. Do I get jealous easily?"

"You rarely get jealous" he shook his head.

"12. What is my idea of a romantic getaway?"

"A cruise ship" he answered.

"13. What is my sexiest outfit I own?"

"Everything you wear is sexy" he smiled which made me smile.

"14. What is my favorite place to be kissed besides my lips?"

"Whenever I kiss your neck you go crazy" he answered.

"15. Have I ever been engaged before?"

"No, you're too young" he shook his head.

"16. What are things I will not tolerate in a relationship?"

"Ghosting, not loyal, and flirting with other people" he nodded.

"17. What is one thing that makes me weak in the knees?"

"When I touch you" he smirked.

"18. Would you rather have me short or too tall?"

"Nah, you gon be shorter than me" he pointed.

"19. If I could have any animal as a pet, what would I have?"

"You would have Sukka, Damien, and a lion" he answered.

"20. Do I have any favorite athletes?"

"Yeah, basketball is Curry, football is Odell, tennis is Williams, I think that's it" he answered.

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