Make Us Public

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Terrell is still in the surgery room and I'm panicking inside. Nick is sitting by me hugging me tightly as I have my face buried in his chest.

"Uh, parents of Terrell Anika!" The person yelled.

I jumped up along with my parents.

"Hi, I'm Nurse KC, and you must be Mrs. and Mr. Anika. Your son is gonna be just fine, but he has lost a lot of blood, its a good thing the young man found him before he was unconscious because that would've been bad. He's in his room right now, you guys are able to see him. He's first door to the right" she pointed.

"Thank you" my mom smiled weakly.

"No problem, have a fine night" she smiled and walked away.

"You should go see your brother, we'll leave you guys together for a little bit, if anything just come out and tell us" my mom told me. I nodded and walked into his room.

"Hey Kim" he smiled weakly.

"Hey T, you doing OK?" I asked.

"Yeah, I can't really feel anything" he chuckled. I smiled.

"I'm so sorry T, I should've just took the job" I told him.

"G, its good. I took the bullet, and now its done. They got what they wanted" he told me.

"I'm gonna find them and make them feel your pain" I clenched my fist.

"Hey, don't do that, everything will be fine" he placed his hand on my hand.

"Seriously though G, don't, just leave them be. Dad knows who they are and can send his people to do whatever, but not you got it" he held my hand.

"Yeah, I'm just worried about you" I looked down.

"I know, just stay strong for me. I love you Kimmy" he smiled.

"I love you too Terrell" I smiled back.

"I'm gonna call the others on, also, my boyfriend and his friends are here so don't talk stupid" I warned.

I called them into the room. We all gathered in the room and just started talking and laughing.

"So, I know this is not a good time, or maybe it is, I don't know, but Nick and I are together now" I interlocked our fingers.

"Don't hurt my princess, that's all I'm gonna say. And welcome to the family" my dad said.


We drove back to my house along with Asia and Shine. They fell asleep in my bedroom.

"I'm gonna stay with you" Nick grabbed my hand.

"Ok, the boys can stay too, if they want" I nodded.

Nick and I spent all night together. We just stayed in a guest room closet to my room just in case something happened to Shine or Asia.

*knock knock knock*

I stood up and opened the door slowly. It was Asia.

"I want mommy" she wiped her eyes.

"We're gonna go see mommy tomorrow. Just sleep with us for tonight OK baby" I told her. She nodded.

I picked her up and took her over to the bed.

"Baby" I shook Nick lightly.

"Baby scoot over, Asia is gonna sleep with us" I told him.

He scooted over and I placed myself between Asia and Nick. He wrapped his arms around the both of us and fell right back to sleep.


No Strings Attached{Nick Mara}Where stories live. Discover now