Chapter 1

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The day Wall Marie fell
I played outside enjoying the sun shining on us the big Walls blocking us from the outside world where the man eating titans were,honestly I never knew the real reason why the walls were here I mean I know there here to protect us from the titans but why people say the king made them but why did he is my question.I laid myself in the grass enjoying the bright green color I sighed feeling the wind breeze brush against me I laid there until my mom called me to come inside for lunch,"Okay mom I'm coming!"I said getting off the ground but who knew this day would be forever stuck inside a ten year old kid's mind.

I ate enjoying my lunch it was fine and all after I was done I washed my dish telling my parents I will be outside playing with the other kids they nodded they heads I smiled waving goodbye,I ran around town enjoying the laughter I was hearing from other people and kids it was fine until I saw a flash of lighting I looked up like everyone else but what I saw I froze a titan popped his head over the wall staring down at us.

The giant titan lifted his leg up and kicked the wall with ease I put my arms up to cover my face from the dust when I put my arms down I froze in fear titans a bunch of them walked though the hole and started grabbing people,I ran back to my house to make sure my parents are all right I see my house but it was dust pieces of the wall landed on my house I got scared thinking my parents were dead I run up to the house terrified for my parents lives.

I see my parents but they won't under the rebel I sighed in relief I came up to them hugging them "Come on let's go!"my dad yelled we started running until pieces of rebel started flying our way my dad pushed me out the way I watched as my parents were crushed to death by a boulder "Mom! Dad!"I yelled I started crying my parents just died and I did nothing but just watched,I wiped my tears away and picked myself off the ground to make it to one of the boats I safely got on the boat I curled myself into a ball crying into my knees "I'll kill them all of them!"I heard I lifted my head off my knees to see a kid with brown hair and green eyes having tears in his eyes "I will kill all the titans!"he yelled with anger I looked down at my hand then balled my hand into a fist I suddenly got courage to try and in list myself into training.

5 years later after the fall of Wall Marie

I stood in line I in listed myself into training I'm 15 as the commander Keith walked around asking people why they are here he skipped me knowing my wrath I have for titans,now the cadet training crops are now training hand to hand combat I was fighting against this girl who is named Annie Leonhart I believe I tried to swing at her face but she grabbed my arm flipping me over onto my back I grunt in pain from the flip."Damn why do you have to be so rough you could at least hold back a bit don't you think?"I asked sitting up rubbing my back I'm hella tall I'm 6'6 why simple my dad was at least 6'7 or 8 my mom was 5'11 yeah my parents were tall,I'm a feet taller then Annie but damn but don't underestimate Annie's height she is hella strong I groaned still rubbing my back Annie huffed at me then walked away I still sat on the ground in pain.

"(Y/N)! Are you okay?!"I heard Reiner yell as he ran to me I look up to see Eren with him too I chuckle a little bit "Yeah I'm okay just got hurt you know"I said rubbing the back of my neck with my other hand,Reiner sighs "Honestly Annie needs to know when to be a team player sometimes"Reiner said "I don't know what she is thinking most of the time?"Eren said too I only smiled I like they worried it does feel good knowing some people care about you.

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