Out and About

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It's really hitting me now how hungry I am. Finally being relieved of the stress that comes with being with a giant brings your appetite right back. What time is it anyway? My phone's in my... backpack. I can try to tell by the window. Sometime in the early evening, I assume. Sunlight shines softly through the glass, coloring the wood floors salmon. Soft rays glow upon the bed as well, making me feel warm despite the freezing temperatures outside.

I wonder how the cold affects Austin. He said the snowfall isn't too bad on him, which I completely get due to his size, but I don't know if his skin is thick enough to battle off the harsh cold without effort or if he feels it as bad as I do. He's got a better chance of retaining body temperature I assume, but the temperature has the same bite. It's just fun to wonder. Maybe I'll ask him once he gets back.

My body throws itself onto the comforter, practically melting into the thick fabric which envelopes my body. Man, I wish I had my phone. I could call for help. I could listen to music. I could have something to keep me from loneliness. Forget it. It's best for me to just stay quiet and not worry about it. Not like I can get out and go get it. This bed reaches about twenty-five feet up, making for a surely injuring fall. And even if I get past that, the doorknob has to be over fifty feet up, with a diameter of over half of my body. Trying to open it would be chaos. Might as well not even try.

But I could also leave this place if I get out of this room. I could leave, and go back into the cold, and get into a rest home. A home my size. With people my size. My head lifts from the comforter. There has to be a way out.

My eyes shift around. There's duct tape on the other side of the room. Separating us is two desks and the electronic keyboard. Might as well make my way over.

Now, where to go with this? The leg of the first desk has a pretty design in it. Very deep, intricate carvings. Footholds. I throw off my sweatshirt and try to throw it around the leg, only a few feet away from the bed. It doesn't come close to wrapping around. Whipping it back to me, I pull myself through it again.

Is there a way to the bottom of the bed? The comforter touches the ground, but I might lose my grip and fall... wait. I hauled myself down Austin's entire body with his clothes. I'll be fine. I can do this. This is less than a third of that. I just gotta move slowly, grab each bit of fabric calmly, and- SHIT-

The fall is long, terrifying and doesn't end with me softly hitting a pile of comforter. No, it ends with me barely missing the comforter and smacking my left leg on the wood. Guess that's out of use now. Austin's gonna kill me when... I leave. He won't know if I'm gone. Well, now that I'm on the ground, I can see what I can do about the door knob without getting the tape.

Walking across the floor takes a while, since it's more of a limp now. Once I reach the door, I crane my head straight up. The brass knob sticks out and looks over me, almost like it's taunting me. My arms reach up. I can't reach. Tiptoes. Still can't. Jumping? No dice.

Well, it was worth a shot. I'm about 45 feet away still. I just need that tape. Limping back on over to the desk, I grab hold of an engraving mark. My torso's hauled up, and I take hold furthermore with my right leg. My left leg dangles out, acting like more of a weight than support for climbing. No matter, I can muscle through.

Up. Up. Up. I move up about a foot each time, which isn't immense progress but progress nonetheless.

It's been about five minutes of continuous progress. My arms take hold of the surface of the desk, and I haul my elbows over, pulling the rest of myself up. I am completely out of energy. The lack of food or water and my leg have drained me. Everything's drained me. I lay there like that, staring at the ceiling, heaving, for about a minute. I don't have time for this. Austin can't be out forever.

My good leg carries me across the desk, the other trying to keep up. Once I get to the keyboard (which I had to leap to), I comedically run down the keys for at least a full octave before realizing how much easier running across the speakers on top would be. At this point, I'm so close to the tape. I just have to leap once more and... miss.

My hands fling onto the edge of the desk, the sharp, splintery wood almost cutting into me. It'd surely slice my hands had the edge not been protected by the bandaids on my already-slit palms. I pull myself up once again and run toward the tape. The roll sits idly on its side, the diameter wide enough for me to walk around in. Now how to get down... there's only one way, I guess. I have to go back the way I came.

Austin isn't here, so noise won't bother him. I pull the roll up and push it off the edge. It hits the ground with a great thud. Going back, I leap forward the same distance I missed, and barely make it onto the synthesizer. Down past the keys, and over to the first desk. One more big leap. 

I make it. It's over. Now, just down the bed. Successfully clinging onto the fabric and slowly lowering myself, I quickly limp over to the roll of tape. Thankfully it landed on the circular part so I can just roll it over to the door.

It's harder to steer than expected. To be fair, it's taller than me, but still incredibly hard to turn and slow down. Once it goes, it doesn't like to stop. Eventually I lose control and smack into the door, the tape following next to me. We both bounce back onto the ground, the tape rolling all around the diameter before finally settling on the wood. Now to get tape off of this. I put my right foot on the roll right before the edge, and pull at the sticky strip. A long ribbon of tape emerges off the roll, much more than I need. I wrap the tape, sticky side out, around my hands and feet, then around my torso. If all goes well, I can climb up the wall and turn the knob with the sticky substance on the tape.

I make my first few steps up. Don't look down, don't look down. I'm already almost halfway up. Only about thirty feet to go. Keep on trekking. The stick is starting to get lost on my hands, but my feet are still strong and my torso is for emergencies. I'll be fine.

After spidering up the door, I come within inches of the knob. I use the back of my hand to stick onto the knob, turning it down. Kicking my feet into the door and whipping the rest of my body back, the door opens slightly. The smallest little crack. That's all I need.

I begin the climb down, doing my best not to slam into the door and close it. I'm relying more on my torso and legs now as my hands are on their last whim. About ten feet to go... I can jump from here. I land on my left leg again, worsening the previous blow. It's fine. Everything's fine. I slip off the duct tape (struggling a lot with my torso) and pry the door open more with my hands.

I'm free.

Storm (G/T)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora