Holding on Tight

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I want to look away, but my pupils attract to his like a magnet. I don't even try to release myself from his hand, my fear sent me into paralysis. Can't talk. Can't move. Can't do anything. All I can do is wait for him to make the next move. Whatever it is. I'd rather stay stuck in this position for eternity then find out what he does next.

"I am not going to let you leave, do you understand?" His stare's burning into me now. "You have to promise right now not to." By now he should've calmed down. He hasn't. I don't say anything. I'm unable to. "Well?" His voice is excruciatingly loud. He's not holding his voice back anymore.

Sensory overload takes over, and I do something I haven't done the entire time I've been here. I crack. A tear slides down my cheek, then a few more. I would wipe my eyes off and pretend nothing happened, but my arms are stuck against my torso. "Nothing?" Nothing. I squeeze my eyes shut to trap the remaining tears within me, but all it does is force them out. "Whatever, I'd like to see you even try."

He stands up quickly, making me dizzy as he nearly drops me onto a nearby desk, letting go about three feet above the wood. My body melts like ice onto the surface. He stomps off louder than he has before, making my heart drop to my stomach and get blended all around. It's either a lack of effort to be quiet, or an actual effort to be loud and aggressive.

My arms repel away from my body, and I stay collapsed, coughing and choking on myself. Why would he lash out like that? It's not even my fault that I didn't reply. Had he not scared me half to death like that, I'd be perfectly fine with responding. But maybe it's for the best that I didn't speak, since all I'd do is escalate the issue, which could've led to some more damage, with him maybe even hurting me.

Wait... my ribs are aching. A dull pain signals through my ribcage, catching up to me faster and faster as I process it. I hug my torso and give a small wail in pain. He hurt me. That monster hurt me! In an effort to keep me safe? If he can cause this kind of damage while being a bit upset at me, I can only imagine what could happen to me if I truly get on his bad side. Another tear rolls down my face at the thought of it, but thankfully I'm able to wipe it dry now.

Why do I have to be locked up here? The rooms feel never ending, as if this is a whole world of its own. This doesn't stop me from feeling trapped, almost claustrophobic. His idea of saving me from the cold was nice, but it doesn't mean it's not kidnapping. Nothing he could do would make me feel okay about the situation.

I wipe my eyes with my sleeve again. This isn't the time to be sensitive. It's only day one of being here. Oh god, it's only day one of being here. Once my tears stop blurring my vision, I take a moment to look at how large everything is. Might as well stand up to do so, since everything stands so far apart from each other and so high up in my vision. Just this candle stands up to my neck. I can smell it really well too. Trees, wood. The scent is refreshing, although artificial. It reminds me of being outside. Being free.

I couldn't imagine being content with treating people much smaller than myself like this. If I were in his shoes and I saw a human outside, I would take them in, get them warmed up and ready to leave, and right as they start to wake up, quickly take them back outside. I'd let them see my house so they can visit if they please, but I wouldn't make them stay if they don't want to. I also definitely wouldn't do anything to scare them, and I'd respect every single thing they say. That's the way to handle this.

Caught up in my own awe at the massive lights illuminating the living room, my lack of attention makes my foot slip, and I'm suddenly hurled over the side of the desk. It takes all of my energy to throw my body back over the top. My eyes peer over the edge once I regain composure. The drop must be at least forty feet. If I'd fallen, I would've likely died. Yeah. Perfectly safe here.

It's unethical to keep a human here. It simply can't work like this. For an animal it's different, because they don't need clothes or the accessories of a human, and they come with high demand products. Humans aren't meant to be pets. Especially not to species that look exactly like them. I need real clothing, a real bed, real food...

Real food. I haven't eaten in so long. The last thing I ate was a few frozen crackers on the trek here, about an hour or so (I'm assuming) before I fell asleep last night. I'm dehydrated too, I've only gotten water from melting the snow in my mouth. I guess my appetite didn't catch up to me through all the fear I've been through.

I sit down at the end of the desk and swing my legs out over the edge. Probably a poor decision - if anything (or anyone) suddenly scares me, I could face the drop. Sitting in this position for a while, I decide I might as well figure out how to leave. He can't keep me here if he can't see me. I can sneak out while he's not looking and get back to where I need to be. I just need to get... down.


the way



I release a breath I was holding, causing a small wave of pain to flow through my torso. My fear of heights didn't exist before this morning. Thanks a lot, Austin. Should I just fall and brace for impact? Try to make a parachute out of what's on the table? There is a large basket filled with miscellaneous items, like coins, receipts and old gift cards. Maybe if I find a rubber band and gather lots of paper-

The stomping comes back my way, but it's lighter again. He's probably realized the scare he gave me. Really? It took him that quick to realize how terrible that was? Too late, and too bad. But I need to get down there. There's no time. I can't do it without just freefalling.

Fine. If I can't run, I can at least hide.

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