Taking a Stab

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His eyes widen and cross over onto the blade, then shift up ever so slightly to make eye contact with me. Neither one of us moves a muscle, and I sure don't want to be the first to break... but I can't just stand here and wail a weapon at something- well, someone- of this size. I have to make the first move.

"Get back!" I'm absolutely shaking, but I stand my ground. The hat's curve doesn't help my stance. "I don't want to be here. I just want to get back outside." His pupils shift from the knife to me, making my shaking worse. However, it's too late to start being scared now. "I'm warmed up, I'm satisfied, I'm safe and happy already. This has been great, but all I want is to leave. Now set me down or your nose gets it."

He pauses. The hat moves back slightly. I then see a massive index finger come for my blade, and push it to the side slightly. He doesn't even flinch. Nothing touches me, just the knife. All I can do is stand in defeat. He decides to mess with me and bounce the hat slightly, making me topple over into it and nearly cut myself. I manage to move the blade away from my arm in the last second.

"That was honestly so cute, you're like a little slayer," he coos as if I'm not threatening him with assault. I sit up in the curve of the hat and point the knife out still. "I'm happy you're building confidence, but I can't let you go. Not just because you're the cutest thing I've ever seen, but you're also just too small to survive in the cold. Worry not - in springtime I'll let you go, or at the very least, when the storm stops," his smile feigns warmth and protection.

My blood boils. Safe. He could kill me right now if he wanted. He probably does want to. After all, he's trying to take me over to boiling water. "Don't you dare bring  me any closer. I promise you it'll hurt if you even go for it. Put me down. That's all I ask." He somehow doesn't get angry at my threats, much to my relief. I know for a fact I'll shut down if he ever lashes out.

He doesn't move, so I repeat myself. "I said, put me down." The blade remains unseethed.

"Fine, if you insist." He smiles again and slowly lowers the hat down. I don't trust it, but hey, he listened. I make a run for it out of the hat, not even looking back. Before I even make it ten feet, I'm suddenly covered in a cave of fabric. It then starts to turn and scoop underneath me, bringing me back into the hat. The giant's eyes meet mine once again, a deep brown, almost as dark as mine. He smirks triumphantly. I am... so close to using this knife. "Why are you upset?" He plays with me. "Did you plan on leaving so soon?"

A single tear releases from my eye, a split second of fear showing on the outside. I don't think he notices. If I can get it together, I can just go for it and-

"Your weapon is about to cut you," he points out. "Here, I can take it from you to prevent tha-" his hand soon starts to reach in, but I snap out of it and grab the knife as fast as possible.

"Don't take my fucking knife," I sit up and point it again, waving it a little frantically. "Seriously, it's going to hurt. You can just put me down and nothing will happen."

"I'm really sorry about this, but I'm simply not scared. A tiny weapon isn't going to stop me from making sure you stay here." The giant looks pitiful, apologetic of the almost pathetic stature of what's supposed to be a threatening weapon.

You know what? I've had enough. This is it. I need him to somehow get close enough to where I can actually use this knife. Maybe it'll knock some sense into him. It's not something I want to do, but I can't see myself getting far otherwise. If he's distracted by pain, I can go. Well, he has taken quite an interest in me being able to talk. Let's utilize that.

I mumble nonsense to get him to come closer. "Come again?" he asks. Perfect. I murmur the gibberish again. He leans in real close to me. "I'm really sorry, you're just so-" at that point, I climb up to the edge of the hat, one foot on the rim. Time moves in slow motion as I leap off the hat toward the giant. With one fell swoop, I pull the knife back and stick it directly into the tip of his nose.

He yelps in pain, his hands flying from the hat to his face, but before he reaches me, I pull the knife back out of the flesh and freefall. My hand catches onto the pocket cover of his denim jacket, where I begin to fall down the length of his body, grabbing onto fabric between drops. He recovers from the stab quickly, now trying to catch me, either in anger or fear for me. I guess I'll never know.

Whenever his hand is about to come near me, I swoop out of the way and grab onto another part of his jacket or the wristbands he wears. "Damnit!" I hear him say under his breath. He obviously wants to swirl around and all over to catch me,  but he's holding back. How lucky I am for that. After more and more falling, I slide down to the floor.

Once I reach the ground, I book it and slide under a cabinet, pressing myself against the wall. My blade is covered in blood, crimson and getting sticky. I don't see fingers or hear stomping or screaming, all I see is the massive being getting down onto his stomach and look directly at me, a single red dot on his nose. He narrows his eyes and furrows his brows in anger.

 I'm in for it now.

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