Tag 3

130 7 0

I was tagged by RingoTheSmolBlueBoi

1) Sexuality


2) Gender

I'm a girl.

3) Happy?

At the moment, yes.

4) Last song

In My Life by the Beatles

5) Hair colour

It's like a very light brown/very dark blonde. It also changes depending on when I last washed it, how long ago it was exposed to the sun, etc.

6) Zodiac


7) Last person you kissed

I honestly can't remember, but it would be someone in my family.

8) Fav colour


9) Fav food

Pizza, but not the one you can come by easily, actual Italian pizza from Italy.

10) Battery %


11) Celebrity crush

Oof. Multiple.

12) Fav vegetable


13) Eye colour


14) Shoe size

British size-4.5, European size-37, American size-6.5.

15) Dream job

Acting. I don't want to become famous, I just love theatre, I've been doing it for a really long time and I just love it. For me, nothing beats acting on a stage, in front of an audience, knowing everything you had to learn and go through to get to that very moment. It's one of my favourite things in the world and I want to spend my life doing it.

I'll tag whoever wants to do it.

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