Dear Niall 4.

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(So this letter is kind of emotional. I wrote it while watching the VMA's and that's where I got most of the ideas from. Anyway, I love everybody who is reading this. I know it isn't that popular right now, but I hope it will get more popular in the future. I love this a lot, and now I'm going to go to bed and dream about Niall and the rest of the boys because they all looked so fit at the VMA's. 

OH! P.S. Congratulations to all the nominees and all the winners of MoonMen tonight! Especially our boys! )

Dear Niall

September 28, 2012. Letter Six.

Hey Niall. I'm so mad at myself, I can't even look at myself in the mirror because I didn't write you yesterday at all. I didn't get a chance to because I was so tired yesterday after the VMA's on Thursday night, and then we all went out to celebrate. I really couldn't fine the time and now I'm so mad at myself.  I love you though Niall. Is that enough? You wanna know about the VMA's?

Okay, well it was fucking crazy Ni, but it was so fun. The red carpet had two levels and the fans were screaming so much, they all were holding signs saying that they wished you to get better, and one fan even held up a sign that said, 'Niall get better so Liam can give you the PAYNE!' Harry pointed that sign out to me and I laughed so hard. I even took a picture of it. Maybe I'll show it to you when you wake up, s'that okay? Okay!

Well, moving on. They were so fun and we won for 'Most Share Worthy Video'! It was bloody nuts! It was so amazing to have our names called out. Well, One Direction got called out, but still. It was so brilliant. I can still see Louis face light up when he heard it and Zayn's face when we won 'Best New Comer' was amazing. His jaw dropped and Harry had to tell him to stand up. It was that shocking to all of us. We were expecting The Wanted to win! I know Directioners have tons of power with helping us win, but I didn't think they had that much! It is freaking crazy how much they care about us Niall! It really is amazing. The lads and I got to meet Green Day. Let me just say, they are so nice!

Oh, Demi said she wishes you the best. She said she wishes she could have met you in person. She is great Ni. If we weren't together, then I could see you being really really happy with her, but we are together, and you're my Niall. Mine! No one Else's! Mine! All mine! Every strand of hair. Every breath of air you take. Every time you say a word. Every time you sing. Every time you tweet. Every time you do something, always remember you're my Nialler. Always and forever no matter what. You never forget that no matter what happens, I love you. I do everything for you. I breathe for you, I sing for you, my heart beats for you, and I live for you. Niall Horan you are the reason I walk this Earth as the man I am today. I love you so much.

We also met Miley Cyrus and her hair is so cool. It reminded me of you, except yours is less blonde, and not as shaved. You have more hair than Miley Cyrus. I never thought I would say that, ever. Rihanna was amazing. She is so talented! She went down into the crowd while singing and was walking through with barely any security. I wish we could do that. Give the fans what they want. Sigh, but it's not safe apparently! I am rambling on and on, but I could care less. Another person that we met was Kevin Hart, and let me just say, that man is a comedy genius. Oh did I mention we also won 'Best Pop Video'? Oh well we did and it was so amazing. Katy Perry presented it to us, and gave us all a kiss on the cheek. She said she wished you could have been there to see her and give you a nice kiss on the mouth, but when we got backstage she said, "Liam, I know what's going on, and I am praying for Niall. I have been since I found out. I know it hasn't been that long, but I pray he wakes up."

I started crying because of what she said. I love you so much Niall. I can't say that enough. I really can't say that enough can I? No. I can't! ;D Don't you just love me? I know you do. Or do you only love me because I make you any food you want? Nah, I know it. It's my undeniable charm isn't it?

Yeah right, like I have any. Well, I am going to see you soon so yay for that! :)

-9:35 P.M.-

Hey Ni! I just got back from seeing you. And the doctors told me you took about eight steps in the wrong direction. They told me that today your kidney started to fail and so they had to fix that. I'm so worried about you. So, so, so worried. I know I was set on you waking up, but now I'm praying that you live through this. Did I ever tell you the semi-truck driver got off? No kind of punishment whatsoever. I flipped out when Zayn told me, and when I say flipped out, I mean FLIPPED OUT. I started screaming and cursing at everything and everybody for the simple reason of being there when you weren't. I know, I'm pathetic, and a sad excuse for a human being, but I couldn't help it Ni. I just miss and need you so much that it's really starting to get to me hard.

I need you so much, and you aren't here with me anymore. I know you're in my heart but I need you with me physically, mentally, and emotionally. But no, that stupid truck driver wen and fucked it up. The stupid bloke. I still cannot believe he walked away unharmed and you're sitting in the God Damn hospital connected to a million machines! It just bugs me so much! I can't believe that git is perfectly fine. I hope he has the grief of putting you in the hospital on his mind 24/7.

Well, I am going to go shower and go to bed. Alright Ni? Again, I love you so much.


Liam and the Three MoonMen

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