Dear Niall 3

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(Okay. I know the VMA's are NOT hosted in London, but for this stories sake, imagine it is. I know it's not, but I didn't think about them having to fly to L.A. So for my sanity, imagine the VMA's are in London. Please and than you!)

Official authors note: This chapter is starting to show the down fall of somebodies confidence. But you will have to read on to figure it out. I know my heart is breaking every time I write something sad, but I have no choice. The ending of this story calls for it. Anyhow, vote and comment. It'll make me very very happy! Again please and thank you! :) I love all my cupcakes so yeah! Lets do this poo.

Enjoy :)

Dear Niall.

Week One. Day Four. Letter Four.

Letter four.

I have written four letters to you Ni. Four. That's four too many. The doctors said you should have woken up by now, but you haven't. So they started pulling back on the medicines they are giving you. The doctor, John, told me you should be waking up soon, but I'm not sure anymore. My hopes haven't changed any, but I don't think John knows what he is doing what so freaking ever. The stupid git. He doesn't know anything, so that's why today, I asked if we could move you to a better hospital. One where the doctor knew what he was doing.

But of course, I was told no because it would put too much stress on your body. So here I am. Sitting beside your hospital bed, writing this letter as you sleep. I just noticed your roots have grown out quite a bit, but of course, we haven't been with anybody to bleach your hair in months now have we? I think you should keep it brown. I think it would be sexy ;) Haha. I'm so funny, trying to flirt through paper. .

There are so many rumors going around about what happened to you. I think I heard someone say you were trampled my over weight fans. But the craziest one I heard was that Obama thought you were a threat to America so he sent someone to kill you. How stupid is that Ni? Yeah I know. The things our haters come up with is completely ridiculous. The VMA's are tomorrow night, and I can't bring myself to actually say I'm excited for this performance. Of course it's exciting, but I just can't say I'm excited to perform without you. It's a little - more than a little actually-  strange to perform without the whole 5/5. I know you were excited for the VMA's and now you're missing them. Maybe you can perform on your own on some other big television show! That would be so cool huh Ni?

Moving on. Nothing way too exciting happened. The doctors told me my leg is healing just fine, and so is my lung. It sometimes hurts to breath though. I hope the fans don't mind that I have to sit down the whole time when we are performing, and to make it fair, so do the rest of the boys but you know how that will probably end, right? Yeah me too. But I think it's going to be just fine. Our performances have always been just fine and I think this one will be our most emotional one yet, with you not there and all. I know for a damn fact that there will be tons of Niam fans crying their eyes out because they can't see a kiss we were going to finally share in public. Also, there will be tons of Niall Horan fans that will be holding signs like, 'Niall we love you!' or even 'Niall hurry up and get better! We miss your sexy ass!' Okay. That last one was my idea. Wasn't it funny? Yeah.  I know. (;


I just noticed something about you. You have really gorgeous eye lashes. They frame your gorgeous blue eyes perfectly. Also, your cheeks have a really pretty pink color too them. Is it weird I have been staring at you, well my paper also, for the past hour and a half? Good. I'm not the only one. I can picture you right now, smiling as you read this letter. I'm just that awkward right? AWKWARD TURTLE. I miss my turtles. Maybe I'll go over to Danielle's to visit them. Hopefully none of them have eaten eachother's feet off. Again. That would just piss me off. Wouldn't you be mad if, hold on Harry is calling me.

Well, Harry just called me telling me to get my arse home and I quote, "Liam James Payne, get your responsible arse home right now. Zayn is trying to throw peanut butter in my hair!" Those two are just immature. I'll see you tomorrow alright boo? Kay. I love you. xx


Daddy Direction.

Dear Niall.

Week On- Okay. I'm sick of doing this. I'm just going to write the date and what letter.

September 6, 2012. Letter Five.

Now that we have the awkward introduction done, today nothing major happened. A little of this, a little of that. We woke up around nine, and Harry made us all breakfast. He actually wanted to! Something has been up with him lately, but I can't quiet put my finger on it. Maybe he just misses you. I know I do. Like I've said before, this past week or so, has been total hell without hearing your gorgeous voice floating through the house as you sing in the shower. Or not seeing your beautiful blue eyes sparkle when someone says the word 'Nando's'. A long, torturous hell this has been.

I haven't seem you yet today and I probably won't get to because of the VMA's. The reason we were all out of bed by 9, is because Uncle Si called last night warning us that we have rehearsal around 12. But putting that aside, I'm aching for your touch. Any type of skin to skin contact that you engage would be enough for me, but sigh, I have been the one holding your hand every time I visit you. I am the one brushing hair out of your face. I am the one placing soft kisses on your bruised knuckles. I am the one engaging in everything and these past days without you doing it has been absolute hell. When I say hell, I mean it. Hell.

The one place I can't stand even thinking of, so do me a favor, and wake the hell up Ni! I miss you so much. I am about to cry just thinking about it. It's so hard without you by my side. It's been getting harder and harder everyday. Every single damn day I pray and hope to get a phone call from John (your doctor) to say that you have woken up and you will be just fine in the end, but the phone call hasn't come yet, and I'm starting to wonder if it will. Maybe it'll come tomorrow.

This is a long letter. Not that long but, you know, a lot has been said and I think everything I wanted to say to you has been said. Not sure but we'll go with it! I have to go soon though, we are all heading out to get ready for the show tonight. I don't want to perform without you, but management said we couldn't not perform because the hype for this has been going on too long not too, plus they said it'll show how strong we are as a group and show off that we care about out fans so much, that we couldn't not perform because of one of us majorly hurt. Wow, I never thought I would have to say this but.... The show must go on.

Okay, Zayn is yelling at me, and you know how he gets when he starts yelling so I will write you tomorrow, and hopefully see you tomorrow. You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. 

I love you so much Niall James Horan. You have no idea how much I cherish every fiber of your being. Every cell in your body. Every hair on your little head. Every bugger in your nose and-

Hey Niall. This is Zayn. Yeah. I just yelled at Liam and now he's mad. Usually he is the one yelling and making sure we are all supposed to be going where we are needed. But it's me and I just wanted to tell you that we all miss you so very much. You have no idea!

I got the pencil back from Zayn! Hahaha! I WIN! LIAM FOR THE WIN. That was lame. I'm going now. I love you! xx


Lili and Zaynie

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