Chapter 2: Sophie and Minnie

Start from the beginning

Aasim: I prefer to call it a journal.

Y/N: That's cool. Kind of bland though.

Aasim: And diary's not?

Y/N: Touché

*You stop and think for a second*

Y/N: Why don't you think of it more like a history book. The Chronicles of Aasim.

*He smiled a little and looked back at the book*

Aasim: I like that. A history book. It's kinda poetic.

Y/N: Takes a poet to know a poet. I'll give you your space back, I'll see you around later.

*Aasim put his hand up signalling goodbye*

*You open the door to go into one of the 2 primary buildings and see what Louis is up to*

*As your heading to the door you see Tenn run into the other building seemingly frustrated.*

*His sisters seem distraught but don't chase after him*

*You look as Tenn runs past you and then look back at Sophie and Minerva looking your direction*

*You close the door and go over towards Sophie and Minerva who are talking amongst themselves*

Y/N: What was that about?

*They stopped bickering and turned to you*

Minerva: Marlon's planning a hunting party. He selected us, Brody, and himself to go.

Y/N: That's what's got Tenn so worked up?

Minerva: Uh-huh

Y/N: Tenn can understand that though, right?

Sophie: Yeah but we had a whole night planned out with all of 3 of us later. He was so excited about tonight.

Y/N: Why don't you explain it to him?

Sophie: We did. He's just still so young, he doesn't understand these things just yet.

Minerva: I hate to see him like that, but Marlon needs us. We can't go against orders.

*You think for a second*

Y/N: Why don't I fill in for one of you?

Minerva: And the other?

Y/N: I'm sure Louis or someone would be down to come instead.

*Sophie let out a sigh of relief but instantly seemed to take it back*

Sophie: Sorry, we can't ask you to do that. Marlon asked us to come, so we will do this.

Minerva: Thanks, but no thanks. We don't want to burden you guys instead. Marlon probably chose us for a reason too, so we'll just trust him.

*You stay silent*

Minerva: We gotta go talk to Tenn, we'll see you soon

*You watch them so inside after Tenn and wait a bit before you go in to find Louis*

{Timeskip to later that same night}

Marlon: Has anyone seen Sophie and Minnie?

Brody: Relax Marlon, we'll find them.

Marlon: We can't be waiting. We have to go now before it gets too late.

Brody: I'll go find them, just wait here.

*You approach Brody*

Y/N: They went to go check in on Tenn last time I saw them. They should still be around that room

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