Chapter Forty: Yin and Yang

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Storybrooke, 30th December 2012....

Evil Queen: I spied on the Dark Swan trying to bring our son to the darkness and failing....

I had the same desire as her, to watch our son in our arms, as we celebrated in the everlasting shadows of life. Yet, he seemed to be drowned by the light and the idea that those so-called heroes were his best family.

Even though Emma couldn't make him choose the darkness, she wanted it to be Henry's choice and wouldn't force him to fall into the shadows, if he didn't want to.

How could she be so weak?! If it were only up to me I would have forced the darkness on our son. He is too young to make such powerful decisions, he should let his mothers do what's best for him. And right now, is giving into his dark impulses.

For me it was clear. I needed to deal with this matter without Emma, because even though she became the Dark Swan, the Savior still lived inside her, the light of the product of true love and all the light magic in it still made her doubt sometimes of the wonderfulness in darkness, it pushed her not to completely fall in the shadows. Not to mention that her parents did the job of banishing her potential for darkness before she was born. All of this made sure Emma would never become just like me, completely surrendered to the dark side. Thus she'd never force the shadows on Henry and would respect him choosing the light.

I couldn't let that happen. I was fully dark ever since Regina left my body. I became the Evil Queen, the Yang separated from the Yin.

So as a mistress of evil, I needed to force darkness upon Henry's heart. I had to deal with this matter on my own.

I thought about it out loud, looking at the polish glass of the mirror. As my mind completed the scheme to bring Henry to our side, a very familiar image appeared on the mirror.

She was an inked hair woman, with brown eyes and red thick lips, her skin was marble and she had a haircut that suited her mayor suit.

"Regina?!" I was petrified to watch her in the mirror. I thought I'd never see my better half ever again.

"Yes, it's me, queenie." She said, sarcasm was always her suitable weapon.

"I thought you were dead!"

"Well, you should know that when a wraith consumes a soul, it merely travels to another realm! A realm of, well.... despair."

"Oh, sorry, but I'm not sorry at all. You had your chance to surrender yourself to me, but you've gone soft. If you let me be in charge none of this would have happened! Now, I'm back at the game, I'll get Emma, Henry and my revenge. You'll see."

"Huh, about that. I can't let you dark Henry! He is still my son and I won't let you corrupt him." She said, pointing her finger at me.

I couldn't help but laugh hysterically.

"Funny, that you say such thing, since that's exactly what you used to say to Emma! Yet none of you got the job done! The poor boy still wears that ridiculous scarf and the all same outfit, and that's just me being soft on criticizing your lack of parental skills." I yelled at her in a sassy way.

"Oh, come on! What would you have done? Show him how to rip a heart and torture people in the dungeon?"

"As a matter of fact, I was about to. I actually have a plan for him to take his father's life. You know the one, that imp that put Emma in jail. Just wait until I fill his heart with darkness. It will be wonderful!"

"I won't let you do this. I'll fight for Henry and Emma, and I'll free her from the darkness that's surrounding her heart."

"Yeah, about that, dear... It's hard to make good on your promises when you're trapped in the wraith's realm."

"Oh, but I don't have to be anymore. You see this golden mirror where I'm appearing? Do you remember when we used it to banish our mother to Wonderland? It appears that his looking glass holds portals to any place with magic. So all I have to do is..." She stopped her speech, for my eyes were already widened with terror, and as she placed her finger on the top of the mirror, it and all of her body entered reality in the blink of an eye.

In a flash of light, Regina materialized in front of me. Just as real, as flesh and boned as me!

"That's not possible... How could you do that?!"

"Don't you remember? Magic is unpredictable in this realm! And now that I'm here, I'm finally going to do what I should have done years ago! I'll finally end you!"

Regina lifted her hand and in a poof of smoke a silver sword appeared on it.

I did the same and we both stared at one another with our eyes drowned in anger and despite.

We were both the same person, but we hated each other so much! I guess I even hated Regina more than I did Snow White.

"Our fight ends tonight!" I yelled, ready to watch her bleed. And may the best version of us win!

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