"You going down?" He asks, holding the most endearing grin on his face.

"Y-yes, of course." I force myself into the elevator and stand to the side. The doors close with thud and my eyes fixate on the red glowing numbers above them. Do I say something to him, what should I say? The pounding moves from my chest to my burning ears. His eyes pierce the back of my skull, causing my nerves to become crippling. Suddenly, the elevator jerks and comes to a complete halt. I grab the edge and cringe up at the number that's now flashing 16 continuously. I look over at Calvin, who steps forward and is pressing buttons on the panel.

"Do you know what has happened?" I ask, feeling the sweat bead unrelenting on my forehead—small confined spaces aren't for me.

"I'm not sure, let me ask," he responds, picking up the receiver and pressing the red CALL button. After a couple of seconds, he nods and hangs up the phone.

"Well, what did they say?" I stare at him, blinking and trying not to let panic consume me.

"They're running maintenance and we will be moving again shortly." he replies, completely calm with a relaxed smile.

"Shouldn't there be some kind of warning or something?" I breathe heavily, now pacing back and forth.

"It shouldn't be long, just keep calm and try to think about something else." His voice is cool and soothing. He tries to be reassuring but it doesn't help much. With my back against the side of the elevator, I fixate on the ceiling.

"Breathe, breathe, breathe," I repeat over and over quietly. I look back at Calvin when he chuckles. What the hell is so funny about my demise? He then approaches me slowly.

With no more than an arm's length from me, he stops. Taking my eyes into his, he reaches out and grabs my tie, placing his other hand on my chest. Instantly a wave rushes through me—a charge of electricity. He slides his hand up my chest, while keeping his piercing steel eyes fixated on mine. I shudder slightly as he starts to loosen my tie. His breath is warm peppermint scented and the urge to take it in, overcomes me. There's a force between us, like magnets drawing together. My eyes dart down at his lips then lock back with his gaze.

"That should help." He grins, removing his hand from my chest. He walks back over to the other side of the elevator

"Thanks," I mumble, it's all I can manage. My head starts to feel like it's on fire and my cheeks are probably glowing by now. All through my chest is tight like it's about to burst. I can't swallow because my throat has closed shut. The lights begin to flicker, followed by a loud clunk and then the elevator starts whirring—we're moving again.

"See, nothing to worry about," Calvin gloats.

"Ye-yeah," I mutter, reach down and grab my briefcase then turn to face the door. The elevator stops on my floor and I quickly hurry to my car. I shoot a quick glance back at Calvin.

"Take care, Jason Trent," he calls out, waving as the doors close between us.

My feet are moving much faster than I want. Getting to my car, I fall into the seat. I clutch the steering wheel intensely, until the leather indents sting my fingers. My head's buzzing, which is probably a side effect from not breathing properly. What was that? I haven't felt like this before, well not with anyone but Bianca. Is that what this is? Do I tell Bianca what happened? Did something happen? I don't even know what to think, in fact, with the amount of questions building, thinking right isn't even an option.

I drive home on auto pilot. I don't know how the time passed, but I find myself pushing the key into my front door. I walk inside and scuff over to the couch in the living room, flop down and close my eyes. As I lay there, my mind replays what a crazy day it has been. I try to figure out exactly what happened with Calvin. Whenever I'm around him, I can't seem to function, I turn into a mumbling idiot. The question is, why? Is there some kind of physical attraction, I mean, I've barely spoken to the guy, but I feel like he's there every time I turn around? What he said about not having a wife, is this why? These questions are starting to drive me insane.

I look over at Bianca, who is sitting in a single recliner across from me. This is something I need to talk to her about, but where would I even start? She's on her phone, probably texting. Mark again, my head concludes. He's such a tool and I can't understand why she still has anything to do with him. We were best friends through high school and college, but he got so up himself. He's had more girlfriends than I can count, and he and I haven't spoken in years. But it seems Bianca is in touch with him again. He tends to pop in and out of her life.

This is what we do, fight then don't talk about it until it goes away.

"Everything alright," I ask, trying to initiate some kind of conversation. She nods with a forced smile, not looking up from what she is doing. "Did you remember to pick up our outfits for the wedding?" I continue, but trying to keep it going, seems pointless.

"Yeah I did," she offers another forced smile.

I jump up and head for a shower. Clearly burned into my mind is Calvin's piercing gaze, he is all I can think about and it's driving me crazy.

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