Author's Note

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Ok so to give a more spesific way to describe Akita Luma Lyoko for you:


Her Lyoko outfit is the same as Aelita's newest outfit in black, with sleeves and the fingerless gloves. She has black hair in a ponytail, black wings as shield and power and she got cat tail and cat ears like Odd. She got black eyes in Lyoko. Oh and she got cat fangs :3 She is a combine of every other Lyoko warrior:

Yumi - Color

Odd - Cat tail and ears

Ulrich - Speed

Aelita - Outfit

William - Sword

Real World:

She wears a black top, like Yumi, just smaller and dark navy colored jeans (the thight kind). She wears black basket shoes, like converse but not converse. Her hair is straight and black, and her eyes are dark redish, they look black. And she is skinny.

I sure hoped this helped giving you a better picture of Akita :3 I hope you enjoy the story, comment, vote, share! :D


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