I don't want you...

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                      Louis' P.O.V.
No. This is not right. I don't believe this! Shes alive! She had no heart problems. When will they confirm the cause of death. For god's sake , they didn't even tell me what happened! I should call (Y/N) to let her know.

You : what do you want? I'm kinda busy.

Louis : my sister; your best friend Felicite, she... died...

There was a LONG pause of silence.

You : you better be joking Louis, I'm not playing thes-

Louis: look it up.

You : what?

Louis : if you don't believe me, look it up now then.

There was a long pause and a cry.

You : I-I belie-eve you.

Louis : exactly. I'm sorry for your lost.

You : no, I'm sorry.

Louis : for..?

You : being like this, I was such an idiot when I thought you loved Harry, I'm sorry.

Harry in background : whose that babe?

                    (Y/N)'s P.O.V.
You drop your phone and start crying while you were sitting on the stairs of the road trip mansion. You actually started living there until you could figure something out. They didn't mind, at least you thought. You realize Louis never loved you, he only loved Harry. But then Louis texts you.


You : mhm

Louis : how can I get you back?

You : you earn me. I don't think you deserve me right now.

Louis : But , ugh , you know what, JUST GET OVER IT. I was joking and I don't love Harry, matter of fact, I hate him! Yup!

You : I care because..?

Louis: because , I love you.

You : that's what I'm gonna say to Mikey.

Louis : what?

You : you know what, goodbye.

You stop texting Louis and just stare at a wall. I need a therapist. You thought. You started looking for therapists online, but instead you find a place for therapy. You plan to go tomorrow.

"Are you okay (Y/N)?" Andy asks you.

"I'm act like I'm fine, Truth is , I'm not."
"You have arrived." You hear your gps say. You walk inside a huge building and you say "Hi, I'm (y/n) looking for a therapist, who's available?" You ask.

"Right into that room." The girl at the front desk points. You walk into the room to see Louis.

"You're my therapist?! Since when did you get a job?!" You yell.

"Ever since I knew you were going to therapy."

"How'd you know?" You ask

"You have Snapchat, it told me."


"So, what's happening?"

"Basically , I'm a jerk and thought my ex was cheating on me with one of his old boyfriends even though he wasn't . But then we were talking on the phone, I heard otherwise. But then I feel like he's lying about that. I have feelings for someone that I can't hide." You respond while louis' eyes form with tears.

"I miss you, love." Louis says.

"I miss you too, I'm done acting like I don't. But tell me , who do you love , I wanna know. (5sos reference)

"I love...."

Night changes (L.T. x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now