Chapter 1

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I twirled around as i stared at the mirror at the beautiful, knee high, red, puffy dress I was wearing. "Could you stop looking at the mirror for once?" Elliot said as he crashed on my bed with a bowl of flaming hot doritos . "I will if you leave my room" I glared at him through the mirror as he slowly ate a full chip before looking away from me and out the window.

"What do you find so interesting about partying?," he got into a sitting position, still staring out the window. I turned around to look at him before blinking and tilting my head to the right. "To be honest, I'm not a fan of parties." he frowned "but there are cute boys, and food at them... so off I go!" I glide over to my closet, open it and bend down to look for my white glitter flats.

Elliot sighed. "I'll drop you off then?" I found my flats at the back of the closet and got excited. I pulled them out, threw them on the floor and then looked back up at him. "Nah, I'll just walk." I patted my stomach, "I have to loose this after all." He stared at my stomach, "Lose what exactly? You seemingly gain ZERO weight after eating your ass off," I ignored his comment, then grabbed my purse, stuffed my phone, keys, lipgloss and some pocket change. "See ya loser" I salute to him before closing my bedroom door and walking to the steps.

"Don't do anything crazy" My mother said as I pasted by her in the living room. "Okay, I won't" I lied, "Don't stay up all night watching t.v, 'kay?" I throw open the coat closet and pulled out my dark pink dress coat, "And when you see Dad, tell him I said hello" I saw Mom smile before I reached out for the doorknob, stepped outside, and blew a hot breathe, watching as it turned white in the cold January air.

Living in the city had it's perks. "Hello, young lady" Mr. Markens says nicely from his porch. I waved at him with a smile and a wave, though I doubt he had seen it from how dark it was at 8 o'clock. "Stay warm and go inside soon, Mr. Markens" I shouted over my shoulder as I walked past his house. I heard him chuckle and shook my head with a smile, knowing that he would stay out up until 10 o'clock.

Mr. Markens has always said the cold never bothered him. All during the winter and sometimes during fall, he'd stay outside until late at night and watch and greet everyone that would pass his house. During the summer and spring he would stay inside, the only time he would be seen outside was going to the store or getting his mail out of his mailbox. Sometimes you'd even hear him mumble a complain about how much heat the sun was radiating. "That damn sun should stay behind the moon or sum'" I had heard him mumble once when I saw him at the store.

The party that I had been invited to was located across the huge park that was located at the center of my town. I walked through the park, blowing out more air and walking under the lap posts, imagining what it'd be like to walk under the light with my future boyfriend. I sighed happily as I walked under the last huge tree from the park and crossed the street onto the side where multiple stores were located.

I walked up onto the stairs of the club and was about to walk in when the door swinged open. "There you are!" my friend, Tammy, had caught me as I was about to fall and dragged me down the street. "What happened?" I looked around us as I felt how tense she was, "Daisy's disappeared." I frowned. "She has an argument with Micheal inside the club and she stormed out, she doesn't have her phone" she handed me a phone with a bright red phone case with "Harry Styles" written on it; Daisy's phone. I took it and formed my lips into a fine line before looking back at Tammy. "She could not have gotten far. She's wearing heels and she doesn't have any money to hook up on a cab home." I looked down with worry as I stared at her wallpaper, a cute photo of Harry smiling, it looked like an off guard photo.

"She might be in the park." Tammy walked across the street, not even looking both ways. I followed her and walked into the park with her. "You look over there" she pointed to left "I'll look over there" she pointed to the right.

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