Chapter 2

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"Daisy!" I yelled, walking under a lap post and past a bench that was calling my name. This park was too big to have to look for all by myself. I bent down and rubbed my legs a bit, the cold weather making them numb. I blew into my hands and called her name again. "I know you're somewhere here!" I rubbed my right hand against my fluffy purse and hoped we'd find her soon so I can go inside.

  "Found you" a deep voice had said from behind me. I quickly turned around and was faced with a tall man in all black. His brown hair covering his eyes as a black mask covered his nose and mouth, making me wonder how he was able to see. "Wha-What?" I stuttered out as I unconsciously took a step back. "I found you" he reached his hand out, "Now you must return to me" I swallowed and backed up more. "You must be mistaken" I brought both of my hands to under my chin and my shoulders rose slowly in fear. He took a step foreword, I took one back.

Before i could register what happened he had lunged over to me, causing me to scream but he quickly placed his hand over my mouth. He turned me around so my back was on his chest, one of his hand over my waist and and the other over my mouth. I wiggled, fought, and screamed as he just walked backward.

  Tears was starting to form in my eyes as my whole life flashed before my eyes. I tried to kick him but when I did he did nothing but tightened his grip on me. I elbowed him in the chest, and the hand over my mouth was removed. "Help! Save me! Please!" I screamed, my voice cracking from the continuous stream of tears rolling down my cheeks. His hand was placed over my mouth once again, as I continued to scream, kick, and cry.

  We had made it to a van as my throat was hurting from all the screaming and my eyes were stinging from how hard I was crying. He opened a door, and threw me into the trunk. I instantly got up, and tried to push the door open with the little strength I had but to no affect since he slammed the door in my face. I sobbed even louder and cried and screamed even louder. 'Someone has to hear me' I think. 'I'm going to die'.

   The engine roars to live and the van starts moving. "Please!" I start praying, "Please don't hurt me!" I sob harder, if that were possible. I quickly pat the side of my hip, unable to see properly from the tears blocking my view, to find my purse was gone. I crawled over to the back of the van, and looked at the window, banging repeatedly and praying for someone, anyone, to hear my cries of help. Every time the van made a turn, I would slide to the side of the van. Eventually I gave up on hope of someone hearing me and just pulled my knees up to my chest, wrapping my arms around them as I sobbed my heart out and prayed God would tell my family and friends that I love them with my whole heart and I will miss them when I die.


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