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The priest concludes the funeral service. "Amen."

Karen, eyes down, with her hand on Becky's shoulder for comfort as they stand among the mourners.

Beside them, Amy, head bowed. "When he died, he...he saw me."

"I can't believe he's gone," whispers Karen.

"That's the hard way to discover there are ghosts," says Chuck.

Chuck, alive and well with Karen, Becky, and Amy turn to leave the gathering. The wreath by the polished granite memorial reads: Hal Richards. Beloved Police Officer and Brother. Fallen, but not forgotten.

"Most people don't wake up until they're dead." Amy sighs.

"The scary part is," says Chuck. "That actually makes sense to me now."

"I'm sorry you got arrested, Becky," says Amy.

Becky laughs and waves her off. "Oh, hell no. It worked out great. All the mean kids in school are afraid of me now. You're off the hook for havin' to scare the shit out of 'em."

Amy and Karen both roll their eyes.

Becky fusses with the earbud of her ghost box. "Serial killers. Ghosts. Our new neighborhood rocks!"

"Speaking of which," announces Amy. "I spoke to the woman living at Chapman's house."

"There is no one living in Chapman's house," argues Karen.

"Exactly," replies Amy. "She's a ghost. She's been hiding. It was her house before Chapman murdered her."

"She's not a darkling is she?" asks Karen in a low voice.

"No," says Amy reassuringly. "She's actually quite nice."

Chuck chimes in. "She really likes the couple that bought the house."

"She...wait. How do you know that?" Amy's face blanketed with confusion.

Karen points to his ear. "Hey? Where's your hearing-aid-ghost-box-thingy? How can you hear her?"

"I didn't tell you?" says Chuck coyly. "Ever since I died and they revived me, I can hear things without it. See things, too."

Karen gives him an incredulous look. "And you didn't think to mention that until now?"

"Wait a minute." Amy stops and stares at him with her mouth hanging open. "Are you saying you can see me?"

"Uh-Huh." Chuck looks her right in her big blue eyes.

"But I was floating around naked this morning."

"Mmm. Hmmm."

"Not to break up this tender moment," Becky interrupts.  "But did I mention my friends used a Ouija board to talk to a demon and now they think it's in the house?

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