Chapter 6

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The entire ride home from the hospital with her parents Karen stares at the vacant seat beside her. Her stomach has been in knots for days. Now she feels it twisting tighter. How can you ask about someone no one else can see?

As they pull into the driveway she cranes her neck looking in yard or on the street for her missing sister. Karen hurries to her room. "Amy?" She pokes her head in the bathroom. "Amy? We're home."

Karen pops into the kitchen.

"Hey you," says June. "You're supposed to be in bed."

"I think I've had enough sleep."

"Looking for something?" Mom asks.

Karen shrugs, looks around briefly.

"How ya feeling?"

"Okay," says Karen quickly trying to avoid the mom inquisition.


"No thanks." Karen shuffles for the door still on her mission to find Amy.

"Take your meds." June motions to a shallow dish on the kitchen counter with two bright blue pills and one pink tablet.


"Don't MOM me. Take them."

Karen reluctantly downs the medication while her mother watches. There is no faking swallowing the pills this time. She gives her mother the 'are you happy now,' smirk and wanders off.

"Amy? Amy?" Karen's search through the house reveals nothing. Her arms and legs grow heavy and soon the drugs make concentrating impossible so she retreats to her room. "Where are you?" Karen pleads. "You're scaring me." Groggy, she flops onto her bed and falls asleep.

* * *

"Amy?" says Karen awakened by a noise.

Karen's smartphone jingles on her bedside table. She groans, rubs her eyes. It takes a moment to focus on the tiny screen, a 3 am text from Chuck: Sorry. My friend Dave killed himself. I have to go to his funeral. See you on Monday.

"Killed himself? That's horrible."

Karen slips out of bed. "Amy? Amy?" She demands an answer. "Where are you?"

Karen pads through the house searching. "Amy, please." She sighs heavily as another thorough exploration of the Geest house reveals no ghost sister. Frustrated, angry and scared Karen goes back to her room and closes the door. "I swear to God Amy, if you don't show up right now, I'll hurt myself."

Nothing. Minutes pass.

"Fine. I'll find you." She picks up a pair scissors, swings them open and presses the blade to her wrist. Another minute goes by. Karen grits her teeth and presses down.

"Stop! No. Please. Don't." Amy appears.

"Amy, where have you been? I don't ever want to lose you, no matter what."

"I don't ever want to go through that again," replies Amy. She can barely make eye contact with Karen. The once gregarious ghost sits at the end of the bed, her spirit broken.

"Really? You used up a lot of energy with my boyfriend for someone who didn't have a good time." Karen smirks. "Are we gonna talk about it?"

"It almost killed you."

"Not that part," says Karen. "The part before that."

Amy looks over shyly. "Yeah. It was amazing." She straightens back up. "But not worth it. I couldn't bear it if I hurt you. From here on in I'm going to leave you and Chuck alone. I'm really happy for you."

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