Chapter 38 - Dropping our Guard.

Start from the beginning

I had certainly enjoyed this evening ~ running the bar all night, Emily had remained in her office for the night, just in case I needed her, she had made up the rotas for the 2 weeks that she'd be away, she had done the orders for the first week she would be gone, and then I would do it the second week.

I had made over a hundred bucks in tips tonight. I had, had no idea that I could make that much money and I had, had a great time whilst doing it. I, actually belief that I would love to do this job in a permanant basis.

It also felt kind of cool to be working with my best friend ~ I had missed her when I had first learnt of her relationship with my dad. That had changed when Emily had called to inform me that my mother had broken into my friends house in the middle of the night.

My mother had lost all sense of rational thought ~ none of us had heard from her after that night, except, when she made her silent calls to Emily. I, truly don't know what my mom thinks that she will acheive with these calls. What I had realised early was ~ my dad and Emily; they were the real deal ~ there is nothing that will come between them and certainly nothing will break them apart; somehow, they seemed to just be on the same wave length.

I had never seen either of them so happy, and that made me happy.

Locking the nights takings into the hidden safe, where I'd collect it from tomorrow and deposit into the clubs bank account. Emily had been thorough in the way she had taught me everything that I needed to know ~ it was absolutely obvious that my friend had found her calling; she had nurtured her vision as if it were a baby, and now....well, she was like a proud mama.

Once the safe was securely locked away. I turned off everything in her office, locked the door, made my way into the main bar area ~ checked the smoking area was all securely locked up, walked around to ensure all of the glasses and ashtrays had been collected. Emily preferred to have all the dishwashers loaded at the end of the night so she could just turn them on first thing the following night.

Flipping the lights off; I made my way to the back where the staff entrance and exit was. Rooting in my bag for my cigarettes what I was about to be confronted with would scar me for life. Stepping out in to the cool, early morning air ~ the scent of the food truck mixed with the salt air from the nearby beach.

However, the first thing that my eyes landed on was my best friend ~ face down on the asphalt; there was a dent in the back of her head, blood had stained the ground around her head; the keys fell from my hands.

What the hell had happened?

Rushing to my friend, I was already on my hands and knees before I even reached her, "Emily? Emily....? Em's please don't be dead, please don't be dead!" I pleaded using one hand to try and find her pulse, while my other hand dialled 911.

Oh fuck, I feel sick. I could feel the putrid taste rising in the back of my throat. Keep it the fuck together Paige! I scolded myself.

"911, what's your emergancy?" the operator answered almost instantly.

"I ~ I....uhm, I need a ambulance..." I can't find her pulse; please don't let her be fucking dead!

I am not much of a believer in God; but if there was ever a time; that he could prove to me that he was indeed real, it would be this time, this moment, in this space, in this situation.

"Can you tell me what has happened?"

"My friend ~ I just found her on the ground ~ there is so much blood, and I can't feel a pulse....please just get here!" I begged the lady.

For the next 10 minutes, I felt like I was on autopilot ~ I was listening to the woman, answering her questions, but not really thinking about what she was asking me, she assured me that there was an ambulance on the way, and the minute that I heard that siren getting louder as it headed in my direction ~ I noticed that my friends phone was lying to the opposite side of her head.

Picking it up, I could see that she had been in the middle of texting my dad....Oh Fuck, I was going to have to tell him, I was the one who was going to have to deliver this terrible blow and I didn't want to be, I didn't want to be the one to tell him that the woman he loves had been attacked outside of her club, while she had been waiting for me.

Fuck please don't let him blame me.

The paramedics arrived, they assessed the situation and listened to what I knew of the injury, I hadn't moved her, as the operator on the phone had told me not to move her if possible ~ they fixed my friend with a neck brace and then as gently, but as quickly as possible, they loaded her into the ambulance, they asked me if I was going with them, so I had jumped into the back with my friend, holding her hand, the siren wailed once again ~ signalling that they had picked up their cargo and they were in a rush to the hospital.

Twice on the way to the hospital ~ Emily flat~lined, the paramedic had thankfully gotten her back both times, but I was shaking and I knew that I was having a blood pressure crash, because I was light headed and feeling extremely shaky, I knew that I was a mess, as I was also covered in my friends blood.

Climbing out of the medic~van, I pulled my phone from my pocket and dialled my dad's number, "hey kiddo, what's up? What's taking you both so long?" he sounded happy ~ and I hated that I was about to have to deal him a knockout blow.

"Daddy," I sobbed out as I followed the stretcher that my friend was on, as she was rushed into the ER, "you need to come down to L.A. Angels Memorial...."

"What? Why?" he asked, his voice instantly alert, as if he knew what was coming, "why isn't Emily calling me?"

"Daddy, Emily was attacked...." I didn't get a chance to tell him anymore, as he hung up and I just knew that he would be flying out of their house without even thinking.

A/N - to all reading, I can't thank you enough for the wonderful support and comments that you have given.  At the moment, I am having a pretty bad flare up of my illnesses, so my updates may be a bit few and far between.  I hope that you will stick with me, thank you again in advance, love to all xxxx

I Can't Fight This Feeling - Jeffrey Dean Morgan Fanfic 18+Where stories live. Discover now