lesson 5: reflection

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"i'm telling you, i don't need to go to clubs to fuck somebody because that's what 22 year olds do," i groaned as ashlynn listened to me patiently with her elbows on her knee and her hands supporting her chin. 

"honestly, i think your confidence level has increased, a lot." 

"and... well since your confidence level has increased, and you have completely gotten over her, allison, i guess our lessons will come to an end as well." ashlynn smiled half-heartedly and for some reason i just felt so- 

i don't know.

the past weeks i have spent with her, shopping and laughing at the randomest things, how she'e been there for me when i groan over how i miss allison, i just-

i would really miss her knocking on my door everyday. 

"is this it?" i frowned and she looked down, biting her lips. 

"yeah, hope you find the right lady for you harry." she smiled. i could tell that she was genuienely happy for me, probably happy for how confident i have become, i don't know. 

"this is goodbye for now," 

"till we meet, yeah?" she smiled as she walked out of the door. 

and at that moment when she walked out of the door, i just thought maybe she was the right lady for me.



it would be a happy, cliche ending for sure bc i don't like sad endings; 

sorry for taking such a long time to update! i'm a little ill :-(

this chapter is so crappy god

hope you guys like it tho 

love you x 

-annetta x

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