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"Pandora! This isn't on the road! You can't even drive!" I yelled trying to defeat the sound of the wind.
"Trust me, Park. When you're satyr, you learn things early." Pandora replied grinning.
"Leo! How you holdin' up man?" I yell behind me.
"Good actu-..... Nevermind. I feel horrible." Leo said.
He had horrible car sickness. And at this speed, the only thing you could do is give him a barf bag and just feel bad.

"Almost there!" Pandora said, still grinning.
"You said that 5 minutes ago!" Leo complained.
"That was before it got traffic."

"Here!" Said Pandora suddenly stopping the car near the river bank.
I hit my head on the dashboard. I cursed.
"Oh. Sorry. Here, ice-pack." Pandora said handing me one.
"Don't ask."
"Guys, you gotta see this." Leo said by the river.
We went over to him and saw the most frightning thing, a three headed dog.
"That's a hellhound. The infamous yet famous, Cerberus." Pandora explained narrowing her eyes.
"Who's that?" Leo asked pointing at the rider of the giant dog.

It was a girl, she was waving at us. "Celestial Bronze at the ready!" I yelled.
We all pulled out our weapons.
The girl came closer. Her hair waved in different directions. The closer she got, the clearer her face became. I dropped my weapon along with my jaw.
It was Jean, and she was beautiful. More beautiful than normal.

"Hey! Put those down! I have a magic lipstick named Margaritàri and I know how to use it." Jean joked as she jumped off Cerberus.
"What happened to you?" Pandora asked in awe.
"Persephone. She kinda gave me a makeover. Said that my style wasn't acceptable for a resident of the Underworld." Jean explained calmly.
She was wearing a pink chiton. Her blonde hair was in curls. She wore a flower crown with butterflies fluttering around it. Her makeup was light but at the same time sassy.

It took time for us to realize she said 'resident of the Underworld'.
"You? A resident?" Leo laughed. "Oh please. Still the same Queen Sarcasm."
"Careful, Leo Smith." Said a feminine voice.
She looked like Jean, the outfit and hair, that is. She had bright red hair, fair-skin and a beautiful face.
She greeted all of us. Then looked at Pandora with pity.

"I hate being in the sun. Too hot. And bright." Said another voice. Based on his look, he was obviously Hades. Now, J realized the girl was Persephone.
"Would you like to come in?" Persephone asked us.
"Just a question, are you Proserpine or Persephone?" Leo asked bluntly.
"I'm Greek at the moment, Leo Smith." Persephone replied.
"Just call me Leo."

The trip to the palace was horrifying. We flew. By Fury. Blek.
The palace was... dark. It was very huge. Nothing could beat the height of that thing. Except maybe... Nevermind.

"Welcome to my crib!" Jean smiled.

[DISCONTINUED] The Adventures Of Jean Solace: The Dangers Of Her Love  Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum