Chapter 8

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A/N: this ones a long one fellas, but I think you'll enjoy it.

Date: April 26th, 2019
Attempt 7 of 7

"Sixteen hours Natalia, sixteen hours." The distant, echoing voice of Ali violently awoke Natasha from her slumber.

Natasha jerked herself awake and her stomach left a sickening, churning feeling. It dropped like it might do before a roller coaster, she felt like she was going to throw up. It's eight a.m., I've only got until midnight to change the course of history once and for all. Natasha tried her best to reassure herself but the pit in her stomach hit her with a wave of nausea.

Steve felt Natasha grow restless beside him, he awoke on alert and touched his hand to hers. "You ok this morning Nat?"

Natasha wanted to cry, seeing those innocent, naive blue eyes staring at her like he hadn't witnessed the horrors she'd endured for the last six nights both made her feel brave but weak all at once. She wanted to break down, to just cry and pray that this would all be over and that he would be safe from harm if she kept him here all day.

But she knew that she couldn't do that.

This was her last chance to save the love of her life and she wasn't going down without a fight. Natasha had to forget about the aspect of time and treasure these moments she has with him today...for they might be her last if she doesn't succeed.

"I'm alright, just a little anxious about today." Natasha gave him the partial truth, but Steve knew there was something else behind those eyes. Something scared her, and it was far deeper than anything he could ever know. But he wanted to help her, he wanted to be there for her and get through it with her. She was still his beautiful Natasha, and he'd do anything for her.

"You don't need to be afraid Natasha, you're not the only one. We've all got something to fear out there, it's how we choose to address it that will determine the winner of the war today." Steve kissed her forehead and Natasha relaxed a little, trying to describe in her head exactly what his kisses and touches felt like.

She had to stop thinking like this. Or else it would blind and consume her if she let the sensitive side of herself win then she'd lose Steve forever and all this suffering she'd endured would have been for nothing. She had to be stronger than ever and more determined, in order to save Steve and herself.

"You're right, fear will be our downfall, we have to take pride in ourselves and be confident in our abilities, we won't fail, we will win. Nothing can stop us from saving—" Natasha caught herself before she leaked any more excess information. "The fate of the world and our friends." She covered smoothly.

Steve hadn't known what had come over his girlfriend in such a short amount of time but he loved this side of her. The warrior assassin side of her not only boosted his confidence but it was hot as hell when she got like this. Like she could face any challenge and succeed, no matter what the cost might be, her mind was made up and nothing would stand in her way until she got exactly what she wanted. Steve snaked his arms around her waist and Natasha's cheeks colored pink, Steve also loved that he did this to her too.

"You don't know what that does to me Nat." He growled in her ear, Natasha smirked and placed lingering kisses on his cheek and neck.

"What does what to you now Rogers?" Natasha loved the games she played with him, she knew this drove him crazy.

Steve ran his fingers through her knotted morning hair and kissed her like he hadn't seen her in months. He leaned down and their kisses intensified as they both lay on the mattress.

"Steve," Natasha whispered against his skin.

He knew her weak spot to quiet her, Steve wanted to kiss every inch of her, he was not ready to let her go yet.

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