Chapter 6

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Date: April 26th, 2019
Attempt 5 of 7

The man's claw like fingers dug into Natasha's arm so hard they stung. Natasha didn't need to look in the mirror to know that she would have bruises that would last for weeks. "Let me go!" She hissed in Russian, Natasha struggled and resisted but the man was easily three times her size, she didn't have a chance.

"Shut up you stupid girl, you tried to escape and now you pay the price." The man's deep and raspy voice retorted.

The two guards in black attire gave them expressionless looks as the thick metal doors opened slowly, revealing a room Natasha had only heard about in stories from the other girls...who'd made it out alive. The man with the stoic look on his face crinkled his big nose manically at the sight before them that made Natasha's blood run cold.

Ivan, the leader of the Red Room operation stood with a psychotic grin on his face. Fire ablaze in his beady eyes and his posture was frozen and straight. He looked like an army general, and although that was partially true, his personality made army generals look like scared children. "Ah Natalia, I was wondering when we'd meet again." He snickered, his Russian accent was present and Natasha swallowed down her fear, she couldn't show weakness or fear of him. Ivan had a talent for reading people, even within the first few seconds of interaction, and with his twisted mind, it was impossible to fool him.

Natasha grunted and attempted to kick the huge man who'd dragged her in here against her will but she failed miserably. She was still in the middle of her training sessions, she had learned much faster and was more efficient than the other girls, but fighting off sixteen year old girls who were four years older than her did nothing against this guy.

"You're still so feisty Natalia, it's nice to see that hasn't changed about you in all your years of training." Ivan unfolded his arms and advanced towards her, a single light casted an eerie glow around the two of them; the shadows crossing and hiding Ivan's face only added to his intimidation tactics, but Natasha wouldn't fall for him this time. She'd succeeded once before and paid the price for it, but it had been worth it. That one moment unlocked a new possibility inside her, she could be much more powerful and even more intimidating than she'd known before.

"I'd like to return to my quarters, Ivan." She spat his name, every time she spoke it, it left a foul taste in her mouth. She shot him the most menacing glare she could muster but Ivan only chuckled.

"It's incredible really, your bravery is as artificial as plastic. Stop trying to convince yourself you are not afraid of me." He bent over to her eye level, their faces inches apart, but Natasha stood her ground. She would never back down from a fight or a challenge ever again, she could be so much more when she finally unlocked that ability inside her that she knew she had.

"I'm not afraid of you, those days are over." Natasha balled fists, ready to punch his giant nose. The thought of hearing it crack and see blood flowing out of it added to the fire inside her.

Ivan slowly shook his head like an amused parent, "tsk tsk tsk, oh Natalia, don't humor me. I'm trying to be angry with you, but you make it very difficult when you act like this. I didn't teach you this behavior, maybe the shock treatment isn't strong enough for you."

Natasha narrowed her eyes, "fuck you."

Ivan slapped her across the face. The crack echoed in the room and Natasha stepped back, wishing she could erase her moment of surrender. Ivan had won and he knew it. "You're still so weak. That's why you couldn't escape, it was so foolish of you to try, you are not, and never will be smart enough for anything. But I guess, ignorance and childish behavior comes with a price."

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