Special Chapter For Moms :)

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The angel of the ICU

When I was in the hospital having heart-valve surgery, my mom was always there. She was the first face I saw when I opened my eyes and the last face I saw before I fell asleep. She would always ask if I needed anything, if I wanted to play a game or do an arts and crafts project, and she would read to me when I had too many wires connected to me to move. If I was in pain she would always try and help, and when that failed, she distracted me by making me laugh (they say it is the best medicine). And when she ran out of tricks, and when we were allowed, we visited other children in the ICU. On one visit, we met Max, a 2-year-old and a HUGE Patriots fan. He was waiting for a new heart for a year. Even when we left the hospital, my mom remembered Max — she [sent him] a football signed by Rob Gronkowski and Tom Brady of the Patriots.

The doctors made me better. But if you ask me, I think they got a lot of help from my mom.


Some Short Inspirational stories:

"My mother taught me never to give up on myself.. I always was chubby and awkward but my mom who was small women ... She would exercise with me every night and encourage me anyway she could to lift my spirits... My mother has been gone for ten years but her life lessons keep me going even on my worst days."

- Carla Jackson

"My mom taught me so many things.

She taught me how to be a mother, she taught me how to be strong and independent. My mother was a young mother at the age of 15 years old, but that never stopped her from pursuing her dreams of going to school and teaching me that values that I try to instill in my kids today.

I returned to school later in life to obtain a Master's degree and my mother was my inspiration every step of the way, because I too was a teenaged mother.

Now I have a son who has obtained his Master's and a daughter who is continuing her education to become a teacher and we all have "grandma Rita" my mom to thank. I'm shouting all the way to heaven. I love you mom and I hope that we are making you proud."

- Talisa Bracy

"I remember walking home from school in the 8th grade. A strange man pushed me to the ground and stole my gym bag.

I was obviously shocked and scared. My mom pleaded with me to let her pick me up from school from now on.

I refused trying to be brave and wanting to walk home with my friends.

She attempted to try to blend in with the after school crowd hoping I wouldn't notice her walking on the other side of the street.

I felt so much safer knowing she was near and I thank her for our sacred bond."

- Ronald Wainwright


Authors Note:

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Your votes and comments give me inspiration to update some more!!! :)

love you all readers!!!

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