Curious George - Happy Halloween (Rhymes)

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Pumpkin Patch

Pumpkins round
Cover ground
Vines twirl
Children whirl

Cool breeze
Blows the leaves
Happy shouts
Are all about.

Time to pick a pumpkin out!

Leaves go crunch
picnic lunch
apple cider
open wider
finger licking
pumpkin picking

Small and large are in supply
look at that one--
Huge ... oh my!


Decorate the house up right,
Perfect for a spooky night.
Time for lots of Halloween fun--
Celebrating has begun!

Jack O lantern's
scary faces!

Ghost and goblins, take your places!

Cobwebs over every door.
Surely tricks and treats in store.

Now it's time to wait and see
just what Curious George will be!

Costume Fun

Now, George could be a ghost
Inside a big white sheet.

Or he could be a monster
Who Gobbles every treat.

Or he could be a black cat.
They  jump from here to there.
The fun of Halloween
Is deciding what to wear!

Oh my! what will George be--
a monster ghost or cat?
It looks like George's costume
Includes a yellow hat.

A Game Of Boo

Who could be behind that mask?
Who could it be, oh who?
He's ready now for Halloween
So he can shout out " BOO!"

Who is that with those little ears ?
who could it be, oh who?
That little ghost is your friend George.
Watch out as he shouts "BOO!"

Who's that playful monkey there?
Who could it be? Oh who?
it's George, you see.
He shouts with glee--
BOO! To you and you.

Trick Or Treat

Trick or treat! Costumes galore.
Why, George, just look who's at the door!

One teeny, tiny ghost in white

two grinning pirates--
what a fright!

Three witches
wearing pointed hats

Four mummy friends
and five black bats!

A bowl of treats sits waiting there,
And George has just the plan.

He hands them out to all his friends.
As only monkeys can!

Costumes Party

Oh my! What a party!
All your friend are here.

Ready to join in the Halloween cheer.
Astronauts, chefs and ladybugs too--
George, can you guess, just who is who?

Let's Bob for apples
Pin the witch on the broom.

You won both games.
And best costume!

It's been such fun.
That you don't want to go
But little monkeys need to rest, you know!

Good Night, George

Time for bed, George!
Tuck in tight.
Now close your eyes
And say good night.

You've had quite a day
With all of your friends
But this Halloween
Has come to an end.

The goblins and princesses
Are now counting sheep.
To ghosts and the witches
Have all gone to sleep.

Halloween will be back--
There's no need for sorrow.
But what's the over there...
A costume for tomorrow?

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