▪ Chapter Twenty-six ▪

Start from the beginning

Just in case things went south, I unholstered the gun from my right 'leg and readied in front of me. Just in case, I repeated to myself. Luck seemed to be on my side, however, because as soon as they were near enough to almost touch me, I was easily able to dart around their rotting, outstretched arms as they tried to grasp their meal. A fast walk was a good enough pace to quickly put substantial distance between me and them as they began to slowly follow my fading scent. 

Eventually, I came across the exit to the hospital. There it was, the Northeast Georgia Medical Center, the sign was so close I could reach out and touch it. A huge sense of accomplishment washed over me. I had done it. I had made it! All I needed to do now was get in, get what I needed and get back to Lily. How hard could it possibly be?

My question was answered as soon as I turned the corner into the parking lot. As soon as I saw what was waiting for me up ahead, my breath caught in my throat. I quickly threw myself back around the corner and out of sight from the countless number of Infected that thronged the car park. My heart beat rapidly against my chest as I pressed myself against a wall, out of sight. I held my breath as I waited to see if any of them had seen me, or worse, smelt me. I tried, unsuccessfully to calm my pounding heart, afraid that they would be able to hear the blood pumping rapidly through my veins. 

When the coast appeared to be clear, I mustered up enough courage to sneak a quick peek at the horrendous sight. They were basically walking corpses - their rotting flesh and sullen, empty faces creeping me out every single time. The smell of their decomposing bodies was the worst part: the smell of death. A smell I would never get used to.

Hundreds of them milled around the car park, like workers in a factory. The horde seemed to blunder around aimlessly, I assumed due to a lack of stimuli. As soon as they sensed fresh meat I was certain they would come to life, so to speak, and that was a sight I did not want to see. 

There had to be another way in, it was a huge facility, there had to be a back door or something I could use. I quickly but quietly pulled the map back out of my backpack, unfolded it to the right section and spread it out on the ground. The clear birds-eye view of the area was all I needed. All I had to do was stay on the road a couple of hundred yards where there was another turn into the hospital. My frantic heartbeat finally began to slow as I realised I didn't have to go through the zombie-infested car park. I just hoped the other route wasn't as badly overrun. 

My prayers seemed to be somewhat answered as I made it to the other entrance, or rather the exit as the huge blue signpost I passed had stated. It was another, smaller parking lot which I assumed was for the staff. It was completely abandoned of course, except for the few, straggling Infected who seemed to have taken up residency here.

I forced myself to keep calm, to not overreact. I needed to keep my head on straight if I wanted to survive this. 

Five. There was only five of them. I could do this. 

I slowly advanced, knives in hand, keeping my sights set on the main doors, trusting my peripheral vision to keep an eye on the Infected ambling around. I kept as quiet as possible, hoping they wouldn't notice me. I internally panicked when they all came towards me from different angles. I knew it was a long shot, their sense of smell was truly remarkable. I instinctively tightened my grip on the knives and walked faster towards the doors, only one of them had blocked my path. 

A woman, decked out in doctors scrubs, came towards me fast. The virus had aged her far beyond her years, having most likely caught it from the bite wound on her throat. The blackened wound hung open still, exposing her trachea to the outside world. 

I acted with speed and strength I didn't know I possessed, swiftly ducking under her outstretched arms, coming up on her right side. Gripping what was left of her matted, tangled hair in my left hand to secure her head, I wasted no time in plunging my knife through her eye and into the brain. I discarded the limp, finally dead, body by throwing it down behind me in the hopes of slowing down the four other approaching Infected. 

My path to the door now clear, I sprinted, putting further distance between myself and the other Infected. Just as I reached the glass double doors, a presence inside almost made me jump back in shock. A single pair of hungry eyes stared at me, dirty fingers staining the glass as they tried to claw at me through the clear door as though it weren't there. 

I froze. I didn't think this through. I had never taken into consideration the people, or rather Infected, that might be inside the building. It made sense to me now, it just hadn't occurred to me in the moment. I felt like kicking myself for being so stupid. 

I couldn't waste any more time. I was trapped, sandwiched between two awful options. I had to face either the four Infected quickly closing in on me from behind or the building that was possibly full of them. I had to choose and I had to choose fast. 

Fight or flight. One or four.

I had to choose the option that gave me the highest chance of survival. I was no good to Lily dead. And I had to get inside that hospital one way or another. It was one of the easiest choices I had ever made. 

Without further hesitation, I pushed open the door and stepped into the dim building. 


Hope you enjoyed this one. Lots of action planned for the next chapter! 😉

~ Beth xx ~

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