Chapter 5

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Walking out of the cinema with Kyle after our movie ended, we sat down to finish our popcorn. Soon a group of kids from school approaches us with them, Jake the new guy.

Kyle slips his arms around my waist from behind, in a protective way. A bubble of excitement bounced around in my chest. Was he jealous? He kind of looks jealous.

A moment later and Madi walks towards us. "Hey, guys." She smirks and wiggles her eyebrows.

"Hey Madi," Kyle and I say in unison.

"Can you please come with me to the restroom, Riley?" Madi asks, and grabs my hand to pull me towards the nearest ladies restroom.

Walking inside Madi turns to face me. "Are you and Kyle finally together, you lucky bitch?" She teases me as she runs her fingers through her hair and fixes a couple of strands.

"I wish." I answer and quickly add. "I was totally feeling this vibe between us too. I was so sure he was jealous when you guys and Jake approached us." But then, that was maybe wishful thinking on my part.

"Oh my God. I'm sorry for interrupting your perfect moment when I dragged you with me to the restroom, Riley." Madi steps towards me for a hug and I hug her back.

"Oh no sweetie it's okay... he'll still be out there when we leave the restroom. We came together." I tell her.

We hurried out of the restrooms to find that the circle of kids from our school had gotten bigger, one of the new additions to it, Kevin. I freaking hate that he looks so hot. With his wash out jeans and a white simple T-shirt.

As I lingered behind the large crowd I'm able to gawk at Kevin and Kyle from a safe distance. Kyle glances towards to the restrooms with a slight frown a few times, probably looking for me. While, Kevin just keeps on mingling through the crowd and talking with everyone who stops him.

"You're really obvious," Jake says from beside me. I didn't even notice he was next to me.

Not even glancing at him. "Hmm?" I asked.

"With your spying," He says with a disappointed voice. "You're not even bothering to hide it. So. . . which one of the two brothers do you like?"

"Oh, It's nothing like that," I say and finally glance at him.

"Liar, liar, pants on fire, but I was just giving you my honest opinion. You fool most with your true feelings, but not me." He smirks.

Is this guy for real?

I had no idea how he dare question me, if we barely knew each other.

"Well, thanks for your opinion but you are honestly mistaken," I say making my tone harsher with irritation. "You don't know me... but I don't mean or care to fool you or anyone else."

Jake sighed in disbelief and looked upset for some reason. But, I couldn't understand his reasons—and that concerned me. If I were smart, I would be walking away but something about him intrigued me. He was nothing like the two boys I had feelings for.

"I don't need to know you," he comes closer to me. "It's pretty obvious to me and to anyone who cares to realize that you like one of—them."

My jaw dropped. "Seriously? And if... that was the case. That's— totally none of your business." I respond.

"You know what?" Jake shook his head, and he continued. "You're right. I'm sorry."

He remains near me, but doesn't say anything else. I feel so frustrated with him being so close to me. I needed something to distract me from this situation. I searched for my phone inside my purse to look at the time and remembered, I had promised my mom to get home earlier tonight. Thank goodness Kyle must've seen me looking at the time nervously and walked towards me.

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