Like the Rose [7]

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You know in those stories when the girl completely embarrsses herself and still looks extremely cute doing it? Yea well, that is not where this is headed..

As soon as my eyes locked with his, i instantly spun back around to face the register. Only, i forgot to move my right foot, sending me straight into a waitress walking by with a tray of drinks guessed it..There i was, face first on the floor with coca-cola spread all across me and the floor. I instantly felt my face grow extremely warm and my body tensed. I slowly pushed myself off of the floor, afraid to look up. I could feel the whole restaurant staring. But to my surprise, the dark headed man looked concerned for me. As i looked up at him he had his head turned to the side, his arm sticking out to help me up.

I reached up and took his hand, pulling myself up from the floor to stand on my feet. ¨I am so sorry¨ i said to the waitress, who was bent down wiping up the mess. ¨No its fine honey, it happens¨ she looked up and gave me a genuine smile. She had to have been in her 50s with ice blue eyes and fair skin.

I just nodded and turned back to the cashier, ¨Our seats?¨ i muttered to him, holding my wet arms to myself, i could feel the presence of the man behind me but tried to ignore it, i was already embarrassed enough as it was. The young boy gave us our ticket and pointed to a both in the corner, by this time everyone continued their meals, not phased by the young girl who took a fall just in front of them.

I quickly paced to the booth and slid in, waiting on the man to follow, as embarrassed as i was, i was still anxious to know him. He sat down slowly, watching me the entire time. I just hugged my arms to my chest and let my head hang, ¨I'm sorry¨ i croaked out, looking up through my lashes. He had a small smirk painted across his face. I looked up and just gave a small smile before chuckling and relaxing a little. ¨What can i say? I am a clutz¨ I shrugged. He stayed quiet, and i can't lie it was starting to get awkward, carrying on a conversation by myself.

I pushed my pride away and stuck my hand out, ¨Im Wisty¨ i forced a smile and finally got a response.

¨Dwayne¨ His voice was gravelly as he grabbed my hand and held it longer than i expected, we stared at each other for at least two full minutes. I took in his facial features more clearly now. The stubble spread across his face, his deep brown eyes, almost black, how his hair fell in layers across his forehead. He seemed almost perfect.

¨what is Wisty short for?¨ he asked as i pulled my hand away. ¨oh uh..Wisteria kinda like the-¨

¨The rose¨ he cut me off. I just smiled and chuckled looking away ¨Yea the rose..It's lame i know¨ i murmured setting my head on my hand.

¨I like it¨ His face showed nothing, no feeling, just that brooding dark look it always held, but something about his voice convinced me he was genuine.

¨Thanks¨ I didn't have to dwell on the awkward silence for long as our pizza was set down in front of us, followed by two extra cokes. I quickly grabbed a slice, taking a quick bite so i could avoid any further conversation. It was so good, probably the best pizza i've ever had. He just watched from across the table. I slowly set the pizza down and motioned to it, o you want some?¨ I asked quietly, wiping my mouth with a napkin. He was about to answer when some loud noises came from outside the restaurant. I looked over and noticed the three boys, clad in leather jackets, motioning to Dwayne. I recognized them as his friends from the other day. As i looked back to him, i saw him physically un-relax, if that is possible.

¨You can go ¨ i smiled, genuinely. ¨I promise it okay, we can chat some other time¨.

As he got up, he turned toward me and nodded ¨It was nice meeting you, Wisteria¨ he spoke as he walked away.

I waited until he was fully out of view before i silently spoke to myself, ¨You too....Dwayne¨

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