
This was the day when Jasmine First met James.

I sighed, before turning the page.

22nd August, 2016

Dear Diary,
I would've felt very lonely today if it wasn't for James. Tyler and Xandra didn't come to school today. I think, Tyler must've spent the day alone with Xandra, but let's not get there.

James hung out with me. Coming to know him, I realised that he wasn't a bad person, like how Tyler thought. James was funny and I guess, cool. He said, that I was his friend, so if I ever felt lonely I could hang out with him.

I still think he is interested in me. But my heart belongs to Tyler Hudson.


I quickly turned the next few pages.

31st August, 2016

Dear Diary,
Guess what happened today? James asked me out on a date! I can't tell you how exicited I am for our date. It is going to be my first ever date. Xandra said she was busy, so apparently she wouldn't be able to help me dress up. I think she does not like James, like Tyler.

I don't know what problem they have, against James?

I sighed, turning and skipping the next few pages.

10th September, 2016

Dear Diary,
I swear, sometimes I imagine things which aren't even true. Today James and I went to Xandra's party. For a moment I actually thought I saw Jane's making out with some girl but literally two seconds later, I saw him bringing drinks for me. How did I imagine my boyfriend cheating on me? That's just not right. I love him and I should Trust him enough.

I sighed, skipping some more pages.

15th September, 2016

Dear Diary,
I can't believe James cheated on me...with the school's most annoying girl ever. Was I not enough for him? I lost my virginity to him. I trusted him so much. Today was the worst day of my life.

Why can't I get someone who loves me? I loved Tyler before, he loved Xandra. I loved James, but he's a cheater. I hate my life.

I can't believe what I just read.

Jasmine lost her virginity to James, then why did James rape in the first place?

Things aren't adding up here.

I turned the next page, skipping a few.

20th September, 2016

Dear Diary,
I can't believe this. I'm pregnant. I haven't told anyone about this. What would my mom say? Oh my God. This can't be happening. What am I gonna do? I have to tell someone about this. Maybe I'll tell Xandra and Tyler about this tomorrow.

I turned the pages, only to find them blank.

This was the last day Jasmine wrote in this diary.

Jasmine did not clarify, whether the child was of Tyler's or not.

I heard footsteps, as I quickly kept the journal back in my bag.

My mom entered my room, and she was pleased to see me.

"Wow. Xandra is up, before 7 am. That's good." My mom said, smiling as she left the room.

I had to get ready for school.


"Have you two heard about the new boy?" Bethany said, as I and Jessica shook our heads.

"Oh, he's a handsome beast. I've seen him once in school, this morning. His baby blue eyes are like oceans. His lip priecing is so sexy. Have you seen his blonde hair? Like they look so silky." Bethany went on and on about the new kid.

Does she have a crush on him?

"What's his name?" I asked her, as we made our way to the cafeteria.

"I don't know." Bethany said, but as soon as she entered the cafeteria, her face lit up.

"There he is." She said, pointing an finger at the boy.

Jessica and I shared a look, before turning around, to look at him.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

Infront of my eyes, were...

James and Tyler talking to each other as they sat on our table.

More like taunting each other.

Does this mean, Tyler is the new kid?


Tadaa! I updated again.

I wanna finish this book in March.


How was the chapter?

Did anyone miss Cole?

Okay, wait.

I read comments like how Cole didn't deserve Xandra but James did.

How many of you guys think that Cole does not deserve her and why?

How many of you think that Cole deserves her and why?

I  am waiting for your answers.

Stay tuned.


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