Chapter Four: Whispering and Woes

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"Middle Distance Runner" - Sea Wolf

Chapter Four: Whispering and Woes

Marcy inhaled sharply.

Nervously, she played with her thumbs as the wall clock ticked on.

Patiently, Ms. Milk waited for a conversation to ensue but, because she wasn't in a rush, Ms. Milk drank her tea and continued to wait.

Marcy was struggling to verbalize her feelings. From the burning she felt in her cheeks to the heaviness from her heart, both the emotional and physical pain was unbearable to her.

She knew that she needed help. Hell, it was only reason why she was here.

Marcy's life was going into a tailspin. It was alot to handle and she didn't want to drown in her own sorrows.

All these thoughts pounded through Marcy's head.  Ms. Milk observed as  Marcy's thoughts overtook her.

Marcy had no idea where to start. Her heart was broken and she couldn't find the right words.


It was the only thing she felt.

Everything else was simply background noise.

Marcy cleared her throat, "I uh, I needed some advice on something".

"Sure dear, What's up?", Ms. Milk asked warmly.

"I fell in love",  Marcy said in a flat tone.  She held no excitement in the words she spoke.

Then she paused.

"I think", She contradicted herself.

"But, the guy has a few bad habits and I don't know what to do about them. He's sorta of a bad boy and I don't know if he's actually good for me.  I-I'm confused",Marcy explained. 

"Hmm", Ms. Milk sighed as she placed the tea cup on the table in front of her. "Does this boy love you back my dear?",She questioned.

"He tells me so, all the time",Marcy answered. 

"Well, love isn't perfect my child. Usually, we don't fit perfectly with our  partners either. So, it's up to us to make the relationship work.  We don't get to chose who we fall in love with. But, if you truly love someone, you should stand by their side and encourage them to become better",Ms. Milk responded.

Marcy bit her bottom lip.

She did feel obligated to stay with Rick. When they first met Marcy was so broken, but Rick didn't leave her, even when it was difficult. Instead he stayed and helped build her back up.

Marcy believed that his love and patience made her whole again; she believed it made her strong. 

Back then there was so much love; A love that was so passionatly intimate and dangerously real.

Marcy wanted nothing more than to go back to how things were. 

"I'm hesitant to stay with him though. He's very controlling and has a really bad temper, he's been so irritable lately. It's like I'm walking on egg shells whenever I'm around him",Marcy said.

"Have you tried asking him why he's like that?", Ms. Milk asked.

Marcy nodded," Every time I do ask we get into this big fight",

Marcy rubbed her cheek. She winced at the soreness of her jaw.

That's exactly what happened last night. It's how she got all of these bruises.

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