twelve - truth about the moon

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"Eya Jackie!" Morris walked out of the circulation center, straightening his tie.

Jack grabbed him by the shirt, pushing the brother against the brick wall. "Where is she?!"

"Who? Oh lucy? Eh real looker." Morris laughed to himself. "Don't worry, she's safe."

Jack growled before letting go of him harshly and walking back over to the other boys and explaining the situation.

"W-well we have to find her, right?!" Davey asked frantically.

"Of course, Dave." Jack smiled nervously. "We'll have Spot come help us tonight."

With that, Race perked up. "But Jackie, how will we get her out of there??"

Jack cleared his throat, trying to quickly think up a plan. "Well we've got the numbers, so I'm sure the Delancey's will piss their pants when they see us. We're sure to win."

"And I'll bring my sword!!" Les cheered, raising his wooden sword high in the air.

David leaned against the circulation building, chewing his nails nervously. "Where's Spot?"


"Where is she?!" Spot panted, pulling a younger scab up by his collar. He couldn't of been but shy of seventeen.

"I - I don't know Spot, honest." The boy spit blood out of his mouth, he had been given the beating of his life.

"Bullshit." Spot raised his fist up, ready to hit the scab.

"Wait, wait okay!! I - I don't know where she is, but I can talk to the Delanceys. Get some information out of them, just please stop-"

Spot dropped the boy, brushing off his knuckles. "Check in with me tomorrow morning, you better find out w -"

"I will, promise."

And with that, Spot dropped the poor boy. He headed towards the end of the dock, his legs dangling off of the edge as he sat.

He ended up looking at the moon longingly. "I'm gonna get ya outta there, Lucy. I promise."

"Moon. A natural satellite of the Earth." Spot looked down at his hands in his lap with a heavy sigh.

"Latin name Luna
Hundreds of thousands of miles away from here
no signs of water or life or atmosphere
this is the truth about the moon the facts are black and white and yet I couldn't think of one while watching it tonight"

"I saw the words all fly away
so fast so far till every letter every number that's turned into a star"

"and was the moon especially bright?
I really can't recall and this was the first time the facts of the matter didn't matter at all"

"shall I try to deny all I know from moments that's gone let my heart let me be someone different from me from now on"

"No" He muttered, shaking his head.

"I learned the truth about the moon the facts I learned are right I only wish it made me feel
like the lies I learned tonight"

Lucy looked up at the moon through her small window.

"lies from that rebel that dime-novel newsboy
that believes in everything and everyone."

"given name: patrick someone who seems to get by with a smile"

"having no substance it compensates with style"

"this is the truth about the boy there's nothing more to say though when I looked into his eyes I could not look away and if I first thought he's who he claimed he was it's just because that kind of boy must be good at what he does"

"and then as gentle as a breath his hand was touching mine and then I discovered a feeling I somehow could not find"

The two teenagers sang in unison from their spots under the bright moon.

"fly away Santa Fe you're the seed of a dream not a plan lovely dream still it seems like the dream of a boy not a man"

"So" Lucy chuckled.

"many tears down here in my cocoon where i'm protected by my facts like the truth about the moon"

"Moon. A natural satellite of the Earth, the same size no matter where you are."

The two started again, singing the last few notes of their shared duet.
"Latin name Luna
lovely name Lucy (Spot)"

Hey guys! Long time no update! So so sorry! Also if u don't know this song, it's a cut one from the movie. It was a duet between sarah and jack, I had to switch some things ofc but u should check it out, it's a beautiful song! Again, sorry it's so short. Writers block is a bitch, but I'm super glad I got this duet in ;)
Not yet edited.
Word count- 762

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