nine - rally (part one)

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Lucy stood in front of the small mirror in the Lodging house's bathroom. She huffed in frustration.

The girl was sad that she couldn't get all fancied up, the boys were still afraid that she'd be caught. And as much as Lucy understood where they were coming from, she was still very disappointed.

Never had Lucy ever had an opportunity to actually be a kid, let alone a girl at all.

Lucy sighed before reaching down and tying her boots. She was wearing a plaid red button up shirt and some suspenders.

She made sure she looked better than usual, for everyone else was taking this seriously.

A knock on the bathroom door caused her to jump. She scattered towards the wooden door and heaved it open.

"Oh, uh hi!" David said nervously, his hand reaching to scratch back of his neck. Lucy chuckled at his stance.

"Hi..." she responded cautiously.

"Jack wanted me to come see if you were ready to get going?" David's face heated up, when he finally gathered up his courage to look at her, she smiled right back at him.

"Oh yep, just hang on one second." She rushed back over to the sink, where she grabbed her cap and stuffed her hair into it and ran back to David.

They looped their arms and started down the stairs where jack was waiting with Sarah.

"Wipe that smirk off ya face, Jackie boy." Lucy snarled.

Jack put his hands up in surrender and chuckled, pushing her hat down her face.

Lucy grumbled and readjusted it.
"So are we ready or not?" She smiled.

"Let's go." Sarah laughed.


When the group of four made it to the theater, Lucy let go of David's arm and ran to Blink, jumping into his arms.

"Aye Luce!!" He laughed.

"Hiya Blinky boy! I cant believe we're really doing this!" She practically squealed.

He chuckled and gave her a tight hug, setting her back on her feet.

"Is my hair showin?" She asked, struggling with her hat.

Blink grabbed it and straightened it out for her. "Not anymore." He smirked.

"Thanks." She grabbed his arm. "Now let's go inside!"

Lucy practically dragged the poor boy into the theater.

"Lucy!" Racetrack called to her from across the auditorium. Lucy hurriedly scampered toward him.

"That's not my name." She said, referring to her 'code' name.

"Oh my bad, peter." He mocked her.
"Can it, ya bum!" She grabbed his hat off of his head and slapped him with it.

He cackled and patted on the seat next to him. "Sit."

She obeyed and he handed her a glass of root beer.
"Damn, so this is serious."


short chapter bc I'm a bad person.
May be another update tonight! But don't hold me to that. This is definitely a filler, setting the scene for the rally!!
WC: 477

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