~chapter forty eight~

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authors note- a happier chapter I promise!
a few months later
Today was one of our ultrasounds! I was so excited, but I was also very nervous and scared, because of the last time I was pregnant. I'm glad I opened up to Owen about that a while ago, and that he knows. I was awake before Owen because I was feeling a little sick. I rolled over and started to feel nauseous. I got up and ran to the bathroom and threw up. I got up and Owen was standing in the doorway.
"Morning sickness already?" He asked.
"Yeah," I sighed. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug.
"Are you excited for the ultrasound?" He asked.
"Of course," I smiled, "a little scared, but very excited."
"Don't be scared," he said, "everything will be alright."
"I hope so," I said.
"It will," he said and kissed my forehead. I looked over in the mirror and I was starting to show a lot more. We hadn't told people yet, which were going to have to soon.
"I'm showing so much already," I sighed.
"Hey," Owen said, "That's Okay, I think it's cute."
"It's definitely not," I said.
"You're carrying a baby Amelia," Owen said, "I think it's going to show." I chuckled and he smiled.
"Can we tell Meredith and Derek tonight?" I asked, "and our parents."
"Sure," he smiled, "we could invite them over."
"Yeah," I smiled.
"You're cute," he smiled.
"No you're cute," I smiled, "oh my god what if we didn't tell them I was pregnant but just dropped hints the entire night that would kinda be cute."
"Whatever you want," he chuckled.
"Meredith will definitely figure it out first," I chuckled.
"Is that a bet?" He asked.
"Yes," I chuckled. He smiled and pecked my lips.
"You're cute," He said. We both changed and I put a slightly baggier shirt on so you couldn't tell I was pregnant. Owen went downstairs to start making breakfast and I was still feeling really nauseous. I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs and the girls were putting their shoes on to go to school.
"Bye Amelia!" Sophia said and hugged me.
"Bye have a good day at school," I smiled and kissed her head.
"Bye," Olivia said as she hugged me too.
"Have a good day too," I said and kissed her head. They hugged Owen and then went out to their busses. I walked back into the kitchen and Owen already had a cup of coffee waiting for me.
"Awe you're the best," I smiled.
"I know," he chuckled. I chuckled and took a sip and he sat down across from me.
"I texted my mom she said that she can come over," Owen said.
"Can you get my phone so I can text mine?" I asked.
"Yeah," he said, "where is it?"
"It's on the counter," I said. He got up and handed me my phone.
"Thank you honey," I said and he kissed my head.
"You're welcome," he said. I texted both my mom and Derek and they both said they could come over.
We were following Arizona down the hall and I was extremely nervous for the ultrasound. I just wanted our baby to be perfect. We got into the room and she smiled.
"You guys excited?" She smiled.
"Yup," Owen and I smiled. Owen helped me into the table and sat down next to me. I smiled and grabbed his hand to hold.
"Everything will be fine I promise," he whispered into my ear before kissing my forehead. Arizona started the ultrasound and I was so focused on the screen. Owen lightly squeezed my hand because he knew how nervous I was.
"And that's your baby's heartbeat," Arizona smiled as the beautiful sound filled the room. I started tearing up and looked over at Owen.
"Everything's okay," I smiled.
"Everything's okay," he said reassuringly.

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