~chapter forty one~

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We got home and I was exhausted, even after drinking a coffee. Owen unlocked the door and we could hear Olivia and Sophia getting ready for school with Evelyn. Evelyn came down the stairs and saw us and smiled.
"Welcome back," she chuckled and hugged us, "how was it?"
"Awesome," we both said.
"Well Owen did you use sunscreen?" She joked.
"Mom you know I burn," he chuckled.
"Well Amelia you have a nice tan," she chuckled. I smiled and the girls ran down the stairs.
"Daddy!" Sophia said and hugged him. They were so cute. I put my arm around Olivia as Owen hugged Sophia.
"Wow you're tan," olivia chuckled as she looked at me.
"I tried," I chuckled. She went over and hugged Owen and I picked Sophia up.
"I missed you," she said cutely.
"I missed you too," I smiled. We heard the bus coming around the corner and the girls frowned.
"Hey we'll talk when you guys get home," Owen said and they ran outside to catch the bus. They were so cute.
"So I want to see pictures of Hawaii!" Evelyn said.
"Oh my god it was so nice," I smiled and gave my phone to look at some pictures while I made coffee.
"Amelia another coffee," Owen joked as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Owen I have been up for way too long," I chuckled and took a sip. He chuckled and we sat down next to his mom.
"Oh this is a cute picture," his mom smiled. I looked over and it was a picture of Owen and I on the beach.
"Throw back to when Owen wasn't burn," I chuckled.
"You're so mean to me," he frowned cutely.
"It's because I love you," I said cutely and kissed his cheek.
My dad and Amelia came home from their honeymoon today, which they went to Hawaii. I'm extremely thankful for Amelia in my life, she's been a real mother figure when I've needed it and she's just always there for me, Sophia, and my dad. And she makes my dad super happy which I'm thankful for, because before he met her he was sad about my mom's passing a lot. I was walking home from the bus stop and I walked inside and my dad and Amelia were asleep on the couch, probably jet lagged. I texted Sophia to tell her to be quiet for when she comes home and I quietly went in the kitchen and started my homework. After a while I heard the front door open and Sophia came in and sat down across from me.
"How was school?" I asked her.
"Good," She said, "how about you?"
"Eh," I shrugged.
"Why?" She asked.
"It's not important," I said. And really I didn't have a good day because I found out the boy I had a crush on didn't like me, which kinda sucks but I'm not allowed to date anyway.
"Yes it is," Sophia sad, "why didn't you have a good day."
"Because I just didn't," I said. A few moments later my dad came into the kitchen.
"I thought I heard you two home," he smiled and hugged us.
"Olivia's sad," Sophia said.
"Shut up I'm not," I said, not really wanting to tell my dad about a boy.
"Well clearly you are," he said and sat down next to me, "what's wrong?"
"I don't want to talk about it," I said.
"Come on what's wrong?" He asked.
"It's dumb," I shrugged.
"Nothing that makes you upset is dumb," he said.
"I'm not upset," I said. Amelia came into the kitchen and she obviously saw I was upset too.
"What's wrong?" She said.
"Nothings wrong!" I said.
"Oh I know what this is about," she chuckled.
"You do?" My dad said.
"Mhm," Amelia said and I felt my phone buzz. I looked at it and it was a text from Amelia that read, "a boy?". I nodded and she smiled.
"Gotcha," She said and hugged me.

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