I Promise I'm Not A Seriel Killer

ابدأ من البداية

"I am so proud of you, girls! Mia! That shot was amazing, do you see how much confidence you have gained this year? And do you see how much it has helped you? Your senior season is going to be amazing next year."

"We just want to thank you, coach Em. You turned this program around. Jade, Robin and I got you these." Sammy hands over a bouquet of Lilies, "We know they are your favorite, and we weren't sure if this would be our last game with you. Thanks for making our Senior season so great."

"I have loved being your coach, ladies, really. This has been one of the best things I've ever done, coaching you girls."

"Can I ask who the Rose's are from?" Sarah speaks up randomly, a smile that I don't think is from the win on her face.

"A friend."

Ashton's POV

Green, her eyes are dark green, like I've never seen before. They are so beautiful, I want her to finish up with her team so I can look at those eyes again. And her voice, it isn't soft and sweet like some girls, but it's cute anyway. I saw this girl's Twitter for the first time four days ago! What is happening to me?

My phone buzzes in my pocket as I sit with my head down on the end of the bleachers. "Cal, what can I help you with? I thought you were spending your Valentine's Day with Dukie." I answer quietly, most of the people have left, but I don't want to be caught now.

"Yeah. But I felt bad ditching you when you have no plans too." He sounds slightly drunk. "Come over and drink with me."

"Not tonight, Cal. I actually am out with some other friends now. I'll see you at the studio tomorrow."

"Alright. I'll be sad and get drunk alone with Duke. He's my real pal."

"I love ya, man, but I'm not in the mood to drink tonight. And I made my own plans when you canceled. I'll see you tomorrow." I look up slowly when someone taps on my shoulder. Grinning as I see Ember, she nods towards the door asking if I want to leave. I nod and stand to follow her.

"Drink some water, buddy. I'll pick you up on my way to the studio tomorrow. I need to go though."

"Bye, Ash."

"Bye, Cal." I end the call as soon as I say it. Cal gets emotional and chatty when he is drunk and he could talk my ear off for hours if I let him.

"So?" Ember looks towards me as we walk, and only then do I realize she has a backpack, duffle bag, and two bouquets of flowers in her hands.

"Can I carry something for you? You look like you have your hands full." I offer.

"Thanks, but I'm okay. Why did you come, Ashton?" She asks again, apparently my earlier answer wasn't enough.

"I told you I wanted to meet you."

She stops at a blue Toyota shifting her flowers so she can open the back of the car. I take the door from her, not asking this time if she needs the help. She turns to face me, leaning against the car after she finishes loading her things. "But why? Why would you want to meet me?"

"I can't explain it, something about you is so intriguing. I need to find out why, What better way to do that than to meet and get to know you."

"I'm nobody." She shrugs, hugging herself.

"Everyone is somebody. And I bet to Paislee you are the entire world. And to others too, you mean something to more people than you know."

"You're a smooth talker aren't you."

"I'm not trying to be. I'm just being honest. Now, can I buy you some dinner? Or am I over stepping." Her smooth talker line made me nervous.

"I have to get home, I would love to get food with you but Paislee is waiting for me."

Trusting Fateحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن