Me:"...So you're one of those."

???:" 'Those'?"

Me:"You already know the kind of guy you want to meet and you won't give up until you found it."

She put a finger on her chin, thinking about it.

???:"I suppose you can say that. And what about you?"

Me:"About me...I think I'm the type 'opposites attracs', I guess. Not that it matters."

???:"How come?"

Me:"That's not your problem."

I looked away and took an other sip.

???:"Is that tea you're drinking?"

Me:"Yeah. It's perfect to relax and to forget."

???:"Usually men have beer or wine for that."

Me:"Well, I'm not that kind of guy."

???:"Oh. You don't like alcohol?"


She laughed a bit.

???:"Still on the defensive I see."

Me:"I'm not a guy who trust someone he meets the first time. Expecially someone like you."

Her eyes seemed lost in the void.

???:"...You faced a lot in your life, didn't you?"

I just looked at her.

???:"I know that feeling. But I try not to think about it."

Me:"Uh. And why so?"

???:"Emotions only get in the way."

Me:"But love is an emotion."

???:"I know. And I just don't get it. Maybe, when I find the right man, I'll understand."

Me:"I'm afraid it's not that simple."

I gave her a good look. She had to be very strong.

Me:"Say, you asked me if I'm from the Capital, but even so I never saw someone like you around."

???:"Oh, I belong to the Capital, even if I was raised in North. I just returned after a short mission."

Me:"So you're a member of the army, right?"

She laughed a bit. I stared at her confused.

???:"You sure are an outsider. People always recognize me when I'm around."

Me:"So you are?"

???:"I am. I'm the general of the army. General Esdeath."

My eyes widened at that. Who would have thought I could meet her so casually?

Me:"...'The empire' strongest'..."

She looked me a bit surprised and curious.

Esdeath:"So you heard about me."

Me:"Just your title and the fact that your teigu control ice."

Esdeath:"You also know of teigu? I admit I'm surprised. And you're even cute."

I looked at her. Her eyes were set on me.

Esdeath:"I'm starting to get interested in you."

Me:"Sorry. I'm off-limits."

Esdeath:"As you said, I won't give up."

Me:"...Is that so?"

Esdeath:"...Want to find out?"

We stared at each other. If stares could kill, all the people around us would have been dead. You could feel the ice in the air.

And I know my 'stare' CAN kill, I was just saying.

Suddendly I felt a chill on my back. I uncosciously turned to the sea.

Where Tatsumi and Bulat were doing their mission.

Me:'This f***ing way...'

Esdeath:"Mh? Is something wrong?"

Me:"...I'm not sure. But it's time for me to leave."

Esdeath:"What a shame, right now I was to have fun. But something tells me we'll meet again."

Me:"...You know, I think you're right."

I left her alone and went out of the Capital. When I was alone in the forest, I transformed and went on my bike.

Me:"This isn't good. I'm sure I felt Bulat. Screw Najenda, I'm going!"

I reached the sea in no time. After some seconds I saw a ship.

And somebody screamed.

Me:"That voice...Tatsumi!?"

I used my chains to grab the ship and I pulled.

I was in the air and I landed on the bridge.

There were three corpses around. A big guy, an old man and a boy. Tatsumi was on his knees, turned back.

Me:"Tatsumi, what happened?"

He didn't answer.

Me:"Didn't you hear me? Where"

I stopped, unable to say a word.

In front of him, there was a large pool of blood.

And over his shoulders, I saw Elvis like hair.


A Ghost Rider's Journey Vol. 5: Sinners For Justice(X Akame Ga Kill)Where stories live. Discover now