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Birth of the Butterfly

The bloody moon of December reigns over all heads,
your hand in mine as we speak of forbidden desires.
We wanted simplicity and free will,
We selfishly thought about our dreams that'd been suffocated.

Fireworks rang in my ears when I fired my bullets,
For the first time in years I have cried.
Now I was all alone and left to die,
With you nowhere to be seen or heard.

A garden of red spider lilies,
All inked with a poor unpitied soul.
A voice gone with a cry,
I can't seem to communicate any of my feelings.

His, my, and her glassy eyes,
Depressed by the lack of empathy.

Secrets will be inevitably revealed,
Trust will be broken and stepped on.
All I can do is wish for the sunrise of tomorrow,
Wishing for someone to stay by my side.

Can we still hide in our dead emotions,
Can we still go backwards in our lifetime.
Let's change fate and destiny,
If it wasn't real then we deserved all the wrath unleashed upon us.

Come with me,
Hold my hand tightly and we can take off in the night.
Flying with the wings of a reborn butterfly,
Forgetting what has happened down the other line.

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The poem is made by me, please don't plagiarize my work. Thank you.

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