Hawai'i actually brings back memories having met and nearly married the Kingdom's personification before negotiations fell through and she was never heard from again. And if there is a new personification then perhaps they will bond as well. Perhaps he could even meet the personifications of California and Oregon and see how the descendants of his immigrants are doing. Perhaps he might even bring over some manga and anime for them all to read and watch. Yes, it will be quite nice. Right?


Germany was doing what he usually did to calm down. Clean. From the windows to the floors to the table, he was cleaning. Sure it was strange to march up to a housekeeper and ask for cleaning supplies when it was their job but he just needed to clean after the disaster that was the world meeting. Sure, world meetings were never the greatest experience for anyone, but today...Germany still couldn't help but growl at the memory. His shin still kind of hurt from when that brat kicked it. Scrubbing furiously into a particular spot even though you could practically see your face in it, he remembered those two children. If America really is a father, you would think he would teach some manners. Then again it is America, so them knowing basic things like not interrupting important meetings was quite low. America being a father. What a thought. It was barely fathomable to him. America, the hamburger-loving dummkoff was the father of fifty children. Well, if they were anything like those two at the meeting, then may God help them. 

After a few more wipes, Germany finally stepped away and turned to the TV that looked like perfectly clean but in Germany's need to clean, he saw it as the filthiest thing in his hotel room. Marching over, spraying the cleaner onto a new piece of cloth, and beginning to wipe the glass. As he watched his hand wipe the television, his mind wandered back to the children and their lack of discipline. Doesn't anyone teach their children discipline anymore? If those kids were his children then they would know better than to interrupt an adult-only meeting. He growled at the thought. Why can't people just understand discipline anymore? Why can't parents teach it anymore? 

Has he rubbed and rubbed into the screen, when he heard, "You know, West. Scrub any harder we'll have to pay for a new television."

Germany turned to see his cackling older brother standing there. "Oh, East, when did you get back?"

"A few minutes ago. Man, Toni was not happy with America," Gilbert replies, pulling off his jacket. "You really should've been there. It was hilarious."

"I wish I could but...after today, I would probably make them go out of business" Germany replies as he turns his attention to the bed that he had already made seven times. Make that eight times as he undid the bed only to remake it once again. 

"Geez, you must be really pissed off," Prussia said. "I mean I hate things being filthy as much as the next guy but geez," as he stares at the borderline sparkling hotel room, "this excessive. Luckily, your awesome big bro knows exactly what you need." With that Prussia pulls out two full bottles of German beer and hands one to Germany. 

Germany turns to his brother and smiles. "Danke schön," and takes one.

"You don't have to say it, I know I am the most amazing big brother," Prussia replies, taking a long swig of beer.

"I did-"

"Just say it," Prussia replies.

"Fine. You are a great older brother," Germany replies before uncapping and gulping down a large amount of beer. "I just can't believe America would hide something."

"Well, he might have his reasons you know," Prussia replies, almost defensively. "Besides its none of your business 

Germany looked up, "What do you mean?" 

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