Chapter Twelve: The Price

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Benjamin is standing at the passenger door of his car, he's got it open and he's waiting patiently as I stare straight ahead out of the windshield like an insolent child.

"You need to sleep." He says coaxing me from the car.

We're double-parked on 3rd Street in front of Vivienne's psychic shop. There's a taxi cab behind us and the driver is leaning on his horn while yelling expletives from his window.

Benjamin leans down into the car, "Excuse me a moment." He says before standing up and adjusting the rolled cuff of his grey button-up shirt. I watch him in the side view mirror as he strides toward the yellow cab. He makes his way around the driver's side and the cab door pops slightly open. Of fuck. This guy is about to start a fight the wrong person.

Without missing a beat, Benjamin grabs the driver's door and slams it back into place. He leans in as if to whisper something in the man's ear but I can't see his lips moving. The cabbie is a young middle eastern guy, maybe thirty or so, but as Benjamin stands there half inside the cab's window I can see the man's face age twenty years.

Benjamin stands and backs away from the car. As the cabbie opens the door again a chorus of horns blare from behind them while they block traffic, but neither of them seems to mind. Benjamin waits by the cab as the driver sulks over to me, I stiffen. 

The cab driver comes around to my door, his face downcast, "I...I'm sorry miss." He says sincerely, "My behavior was rude and I beg your forgiveness." He reminds me of a bad kid who's been forced to apologize, gazing down at his shoes embarrassed.

I want to laugh, New Yorkers don't apologize. "It's okay, man. Just don't be a dick."

He nods and returns to his cab where Benjamin pats him on the shoulder and watches as he navigates his cab around the right side of the Lincoln. The stream of cars they've held up do the same without a single glance in Benjamin's direction.

He's back, standing on my side of the car and gazing down at me amused. "The sun is just about up," he says.

"So? Are you gonna turn to dust or something?"

Benjamin laughs. "Not a vampire." He crouches down so that he's level with me and places his hand on mine, "I'll take you home if you would rather be there."


"I can't help you if you don't tell me what you want, Eleanore."

"I thought you knew everything," I say with an air of annoyance.

"I'm not omniscient." His eyes search my face, and I have a strong urge to throw myself into his arms, "I know paths—choices people will make, errors that guide them to me, but I don't know what someone is thinking. Unfortunately..." he stalls, confused, probably wondering how much information he should give me. "Unfortunately, because your timeline has been broken I cannot foresee your future nor demise."

I smirk. I'm a mystery to him. "Take me back with you."

"That's not a good idea."

"Well, that's what I want."

He removes his hand from mine and closes the car door. When he's back in the driver's seat he looks at me. "To answer your question. Yes, death can fall in love... at a price."

I'm covering my mouth in an attempt to hide my smile. Death's got a thing for me. How fucked up is that?

"What did you say to that cabbie?" I ask as he drives us back to his penthouse.

"Just that he should apologize."

"That's all? Then why did he act like you'd just threatened to murder his entire family."

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