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You knew it from the beginning. From the moment she asked what a creepypasta was to the moment she asked if you knew who BENdrowned was you knew there was going to be trouble.

But you certainly weren't prepared for this. Clutching a pan and waiting for the little demon to turn the corner.

Waiting and listening. Your hearing was never as great as it was now. Every noise that was made, you would pick up on.

Your breathing to the rattle of the pan handle every time you shook a little too much. So, when you heard someone's breath from next to you, you clearly heard it.

The warm breath sent shivers down your spine and you immediately tried to hit her with the pan.

She stopped the pan with her hand and crumbled it as if it was nothing. She yanked it out of you hands and threw it aside.

Falling to the ground, you tried to crawl back and away. You were terrified. That was one of the strongest pans you had and she managed to destroy it as if it was nothing.

"This is the price," she says. Her voice scares you even more. She sounded demonic and strange. "I'll become a creepypasta and all I have to do is kill you guys."

You felt betrayed at first. Your very best friend was here, trying to kill you just to become a true killer.

Previous to this moment, you believed that creepypasta's didn't exist. That they were a fable created to scare others around the camp fire.

But now, with nowhere to run or hide, you believed them all too much. Killers, they were. They managed to change her into one too.

You felt tears run down your cheeks as she got closer to you. Closer and closer until you couldn't move back and she was waiting to attack.

Just as she slashed you lifted your arm. Your arm took the hit but the searing pain made your head start aching.

"Wait, wait," you managed to call out. "Please, I'll join to. Then you won't have to kill me right? Please... please. I beg of you."

"Begging won't work," she said. But a ringing cut her off. She seemed to understand but all you knew was the blood loss and the ringing and the headache.

Before you knew it, the world was spinning and turning dark and you couldn't tell where you were.

Some sort of third dimension and it was all black. Your body was in all sorts of pain and agony but you managed to ignore it easily.

You looked around this dimension but didn't think anything of it. Your first thought was that this was limbo and maybe you were dead but you could still feel pain so you couldn't be right.

Wasn't death supposed to be better? Wasn't there supposed to be something there? God? Gods? Heaven? Hell? Anything?

But there was nothing but black. You struggled to walk away from the spot you had been previously glued.

Nothing, nothing, and more nothing. Then, a small voice.

"(Y/N), I'm over here! Tag me if you can," yells a feminine voice. You follow the sound and see a lady in a gown with flowers over it and a flower crown in her head.

She had black flats on her feet and beautiful brown hair flowing from her head. She's wearing a light pink dress that fits her perfectly.

She isn't looking at you though. She's looking behind you.

"I'll get you!" comes a little kids voice from behind you. A little girl runs past you. She looks like you only with slightly lighter hair and such a small body.

You watch as the lady slowly runs away and gets caught on purpose. And when she was chasing the young girl, she scooped her up and hugged her.

You smiled at the lovely sight. You forgot about your friend for just a moment. But it was a moment too long.

Suddenly, a striking pain fled through your body and brought you to your knees. You fell down and coughed violently.

Blood came out of your mouth and blocked your throat. You struggled to breath and when you finally sucked in a weak breath, you woke up.

You were in a bed, a tube going down your throat. It was helping you breath and every few seconds it would suck some blood out of you.

You groaned as a headache broke through. You quickly quieted down though as you heard a door open.

You tried to watch as a guy walked in and walked around. He looked at a few things somewhere in another room before looking at you.

"Hey, you're awake."

Then beg (Eyeless Jack x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora