Q - Will you tell your parents you're gay?

A - no. i'm scared what they'll say.

Questions & Answers for James

Q - What do you think of Emma & Ethan?

A - together?! like um totally yes, they'd be so cuteeeee!

Q - Are you sad that there's no more tiny human living inside Emma?

A - more than anything. I would've loved to be a fairy-god-sister. & Emma doesn't deserve to go through that after everything else.

Q - How is your relationship with Grayson?

A - sister spectacular!! I love my big, beefy daddy.

Q - Do you ship Ethan & Emma?


Q - Will you do my makeup for prom?

A - duh sis.

Questions & Answers for Sean

Q - Why don't you like Ethan? What did he do to deserve everything you do to him?

A - it's not that I don't like my son, he was just always an easy anger sponge.

Q - Why are you such an asshole?

A - i'm not, i just know how to take my anger out the right way.

Q - What did you so bad that you so bad that you could do Ethan so bad?

A - not what, who.


A - I can't, well, at least not easily now that that Emma girl is always around. but I have my loopholes.

Q - Why don't you love Ethan?

A - I do, just not as much. he always messes everything up.

Q - Why are you such a bitch?

A - why not?

Questions & Answers for Lisa

Q - Do you know what Sean is doing to Ethan?

A - no, what?

Q - Do you love Sean.

A - yes, even though it's hard sometimes with his stubborn attitude.

Q - Are you okay with Ethan & Emma's relationship?

A - I had a feeling.

Q - What did you think when Ethan & Emma walked downstairs together?

A - I was confused, Ethan never brings any girls home...

Q - Does Sean beat you like he does Ethan?

A - no, I don't like playing football in the backyard with them. besides Sean would beat me anyway as well, he's good at football.

Q - Are you that oblivious to the yelling & hitting at night Lisa?!

A - what?

Q - Do you know that Grayson is gay?

A - ahaha that can't be, silly. Gray would tell me if he was.

Q - Did you know you married a fucking asshole?

A - no...

Questions & Answers for Cameron (Dallas)

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