"Then yes, I'm sure" Margo said, her voice slightly monotoned as she placed the dips on top of the carrots before her eyes met Edwards just for a second.

"Lead the way then"Her smile was slightly less awkward with him, but still awkward none the less as he let out a deep breath and smiled back at her before watching her eyes drop to his shoulder.

"Margo this is Rosalie and Emmett, and you already know Alice, Jasper and Kain" Edward told her, pointing to them as they sat down. Margo rested her hands against the edge of the table, her long fingernails picking at the skin around her thumb, her eyes fell on the middle of the table.

"Hi Margo, it's nice to meet you" Rose said, her voice holding the smile that Margo couldn't see. The awkward girl couldn't describe the feeling, but it was almost right after she sat down that she began to feel more comfortable, which was definitely rare within a group of people. Maybe today was just a good Margo day.

"It's nice to meet you too?"She nodded, unsure of her words as her voice held as much expression as her face; not a lot. The Cullen siblings had gathered enough to know that she meant the sentance sincerely, which was enough for them.

"Edward tells us your into science, is that what you're planning to do after high school?"

"Yeah actually, I was thinking of going into neuroscience," Margo told them, opening up her veggie dip. Margo's eyebrows furred as she realized she was the only one with food in front of her.

"Any reason why?" Emmett asked, smiling lightly at Edward who looked at him with nothing but gratitude.

"It's always been the most fascinating to me, there's always something new to learn, every brain is different"Margo paused, rubbing her thumbs against her fingers uncomfortably. The Cullen's found ways to make small talk with the girl for the rest of lunch, which was slightly helpful to Margo as she constantly felt she was at a loss for words, but she made very brief eye contact with Rose at one point, which made Margo note she had the same eyes as Edward; she liked them.

"Hey, Margo?" Edward asked as they made their way to her locker. Margo tilted her head up slightly to show him she was listening.


"What if we did something this weekend? Instead of going to Lapush?" Margo stopped in her tracks, which in turn, made Edward stop as well and turn to face her.

"You don't want to go?"

"I'm um, not really a fan of water" Edward said, his gut sinking as Margo just nodded her head.

"Me either, well, more so the ocean than just water, but sure"Edward hated himself as he watched her small awkward smile place on her lips as they began walking again, Margo talking about what they could do on Saturday- Scrabble seemed to be the winning idea between the two of them.

It was later that night when Margo looked down at her phone, her thumb hovering over Edwards number that he'd given her on the way home today.

"Just in case you ever need anything" Which to be fair Margo wasn't sure what she'd need from him, but she felt as if the gesture was kind.

Margo was nervous. Phone Calls were on her top five list of things she absolutely hated, and hate was a strong word in Margo's opinion.

And though she liked texting, she felt the conversation wasn't the kind you had over text, but then again she never knew what was text appropriate and what wasn't.

Clicking the number, she quickly brought the phone to her ear. It only rang once before he answered; his voice slightly worried as he spoke.

"Margo, is everything okay?"

"Um, Hi Edward. Everything is fine" Margo nodded, even though he couldn't see her.

"I was actually calling about this weekend. My brother just told me we are going to Port Angeles to have dinner with my father"

"I didn't realize he was in the picture," Edward said, making Margo scrunch her eyes in confusion.

"In the picture?"

"I meant I didn't think he was around, I thought it was just you and Owen" His voice wasn't sarcastic or rude, it was soft and caring as he explained it to her in a different way.

"He's not, really. We have dinner with him once every few months to make him happy, he pays the bills"

"But we still have Sunday!"Margo rushed, feeling slightly stupid as her words came out more powerful than she'd meant for it to sound.

"Sunday sounds wonderful Margo"

"Okay, I'll see you in two days. Goodnight Edward"

"Goodnight, Margo Baker"Edward said, smiling widely as she hung up the phone.

edited/published: 03/15/2019
I posted the Playlist for
this book under a chapter called
"Part one"
Which was moved to the
beginning few chapters!
Don't forget to check it out!

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