Chapter 1

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It had been a little under three months since that happened. The relationship that bloomed between Levi and Mikasa had been kept secret from the rest, although Armin seemed to know. As for Erwin, he still kept charge of the Scouts while investigating Eren's case with Hanji. 

The sound of the ruthless punching on the bag echoes throughout the hall of the training room. Heaving breaths followed after every few punches as tapes knuckles attacked the creased leather of the bag. 

"Stop," a deep voice called out but no reaction was received. "Oi, Mikasa" He watched her before walking up to her slowly, taking her left wrist into his hand. "Stop," he whispered again. 

Mikasa had been training harder than ever these days, memorizing extra attacks and even asking Levi for extra help on their off days. She could barely sleep at night either so she took her feelings out on the punching bag. 

She didn't look at him, keeping her head lowered and her eyes on the mat underneath her feet. Worried, Levi pushed a few strands of her hair behind her ear and guided her carefully to sit on the ground. She still didn't meet his eyes as she kept her focus on his hands. 

"Nightmares again?" he asked her cautiously but she didn't answer. Levi sighed as he gingerly removed the worn out wraps from Mikasa's knuckles. "You know I hate finding you here. Especially so late." 

If Levi were being honest, she put on a believable facade during the day but he knew. He could see it in her eyes that she wasn't herself. It formed a pit in the bottom of his stomach. It amazed him how despite it all she was still one of the best soldiers he's ever seen.

Levi grabbed her chin, forcing them to face one another. "Talk to me, will you?" She didn't. Once more Levi sighed, dropping his hands back down to hers. "One of these days you're going to drop, you know that? You can't keep running on 30 minute naps."

"I can't help it," she mumbled. "I can't sleep." Levi stared at her wordlessly and concerned before taking her hand and guiding her on her feet, leading her out the door. 

"Where are we going?" she asked as Levi dragged her along. Quickly he turned, a finger to his lips. 

"Oi, don't wake the brats," he whispered. 

Soon enough Levi led her inside his room and led her to the bed. "Don't you go running to that room anymore, understand? Come here and sleep, I'll be waiting for you every hour of the night, Mikasa." 

Mikasa stared at him, wide eyed and and bittersweet smile at her lips. "B-but Captain Erwin if he-"

"I could give two shits Mikasa, please," he said as he un-did his bed, preparing it for her. "I need you to get some rest."

And if Mikasa was being true to herself she was exhausted and didn't know if she could stand any longer, especially when Levi had carried her to his bed and covered her in his soft blanket. 

Levi bent down to her level and kissed her forehead. "I'll be here if you need me okay," he said as  he nodded towards his desk. 

Mikasa frowned slightly. "Stay with me."

Levi couldn't peel his eyes away from hers, better yet he could barely say no. Mikasa's eyes followed him as he stood and locked the door, finally climbing into the bed behind her. It had been a while since Levi had actually slept in his own bed as he was used to 4 hours of sleep in his chair. The bed was warm and welcoming but Mikasa was warmer as he found himself unable to let go of her figure. Mikasa's own pain melted slightly at Levi's touch but when she turned around and nuzzled herself into his chest, she felt at peace for a moment. 


Mikasa had fallen asleep almost instantly while Levi stayed half-awake to keep an eye on her. Thought the night, though, her nightmares returned, causing her to go frozen and rigid against Levi's body. She grabbed tightly onto his arm, leaving several scratches on his tricep but he didn't mind. As long as she wasn't getting up to go to that damned room anymore. Carefully, Levi ran his fingers through her hair in attempt to pacify the horrors in her mind. 

After she calmed down, Levi had drifted off into sleep, keeping a tight hold on Mikasa. All night he had felt her chest rise and fall against his, her forehead placed comfortably there...

until he didn't.

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