Chapter Twelve: Hiking

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A week later~

It's been pretty nice and quiet out here. Doing something every day, like going to the lake for a swim. Roasting marshmallows under the night sky. Its been pretty good. I can't lie and say I haven't thought about home, but Luke has been doing a good job keeping me busy with things to do every day.

"Let's go out for also bit."


Luke shrugs at my reply, "I don't know. How about a hike? We can drink for a bit I brought some beer for the trip." He says with a smirk on his face.

"I can't drink, I'm not 21 yet. Plus I don't think can handle my drinks, I still don't remember what happened that night I went with you to your place."

"Don't worry you're young you've haven't gotten enough experience with it is all, you'll get used to it, it'll be fine."

"Well I mean I guess I can give it a try." I give a little shrug.

"That's my girl, hurry up and get dressed. I'll wait down here for you, you have like 15 minutes max so make it quick."

"Oh okay, I-I'll be right back," I tell him as I quickly head straight upstairs to the bedroom. I open the bag I brought with me and scan through all of my clothes thinking about what to wear. I ended up deciding to go with something comfortable but nice to wear for the hike and put my hair up into a bun. After getting ready and packing a small bag we headed out hiking.


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I've gotta say even though it's kinda damp and maybe a little humid but that could be just me it's beautiful. I feel a sense of peace out here in the woods. I would love to get a little house out here far off the road. Alone from everything of course with the exception of owning my own little shop in town. I'm quickly snapped out of my daydreaming with Luke telling me to watch my step. Being the klutz that I am it was too late, I trip over a rock stumbling over towards Luke trying to catch my fall. 

"Ugh this is why I said to watch your step," Luke says grabbing my arm and gripping it tight trying to stop my fall.

"A-aah s-sorry. I should've been paying attention." I say looking up at him giving a little smile, he stares at me for a bit before giving me a smile of his own. He pulls my arm towards him pulling me up against a tree. 

"If you wanted to be this close to me you should've just said something." He says with a different aura around him and a smirk dancing on his lips. He puts his leg between mine separating mine from each other forcing me to stable myself by straddling his leg. As quick as everything happened he puts a had on my throat squeezing just enough to let a little bit of breath in but not enough to scream or make full sentences.

"" I managed to squeeze out, no pun intended.

"Sshhh, it's okay," Luke says nuzzling against my jawline dropping little kisses here and there behind my ear. "You're cute enough to eat, I can't help myself. I really am trying to hold myself back but you make it pretty difficult to do so. I think I've earned this much I've waited long enough, I don't think I can wait any longer." Luke says as his free hand roams my body stopping at my chest and groping my breast. I put one hand on top of his hand that's around my neck trying to loosen his grip while my other hand on his shoulder trying to push him off of me. My efforts are futile though, he's much bigger and stronger than me. I look into his eyes trying to plead with him. I'm running out of time everything is starting to oozy around me. "Oh look at that eye, just for me and you squirming around like that makes me think you're just excited as I am." He brings his face close to mine and he whispers to me. "You're perfect, you're the one."  As I'm starting to blackout he lets go of my me and in an instant, I drop to the ground onto my knees trying to catch my breath. 

*Cough* *Cough* 

"Get up, we have ways to go before we make it up to the cliff."


"I said GET UP!" he says yanking my arm up, I grab a handful of dirt and throw at his eyes. Immediately he lets go of my arm and his hands over his face. I quickly get up taking this chance to run off.


Hearing him yell out spiteful words gives me more motivation to keep running until I'm out of breath. I would like to think I've gotten enough distance away from him, but then again I don't even know exactly where I am. I just to find a path and hopefully, it doesn't lead to him, seeing how angry he is, I've seen and felt first hand how mad he gets in school and I'm not about to stay around waiting to see how he is outside of school. 


I finally found a small tail but I don't know how long I've been out here, but it's starting to get really dark and cold pretty fast and it's getting kinda creepy. After what seemed like forever I see a light flashing from the distance, not knowing who it is I hid behind a tree making my way slowly and carefully over to the light to see who it is. Hearing what sounded like radio and making out their clothes I can see that this person is a forest ranger. 

"H-hey..c-can you please help me!" I call out to the person coming out from hiding causing them to shine the light in my face blinding me. As soon as I put my hand over my eyes to shield myself from the light, I feel a hand snake around my waist and another covering my mouth.

"Guess who." A voice whispers in my ears sending shivers down my spine. Luke. In a flash, I'm being dragged away muffled screams and all. Helplessly watching the light grow father away even. Please help me! I'm screaming over and over in my head just hoping the ranger does something but to no avail.

✄- - - - - - - - - - - - Time skip - - - - - - - - -✄

The cabin comes into my field of vision. I don't want to back there I know he'gonna commentate advantage of me. With adrenaline running through me I'm dragging my feet trying to put all my weight onto the ground making it difficult for him to get me any closer. Of course, that doesn't stop him he just picks me up and puts me over his shoulder like nothing, but in doing that just causes me to punch, kick, and scream with all my might.

"Well aren't you a feisty one. All the more fun." He says going up the stairs and through the front door.

"NOOO!! PUT ME DOWN! LET GO OF ME!! I DON'T WANT TO GO INSIDE." I scream at him trying to grab onto anything I can.

"Give it up it's no use. You need to learn a lesson." He says kicking the front door closed. "As for punishment you're staying the basement until I feel like you deserve to come out. Or at least until you're more well behaved than this." He tells me making his way to the basement door and opening it.


"I guess we'll just have to see if they find you." Says and with that, he opens the basement door and starts going down the stairs. I dig my nails into the wall trying to stop us from continuing even further but all that ended up doing is cause splinter to go underneath my nails. As soon as he hit the bottom of the step he drops me onto the ground. I tried to get up and run out of there but as soon as I hit the ground he grabs me by my hair and starts dragging me into what looks like a custom made cage and locks me inside.

"I'm gonna leave you here until you think about what you've done. I'll be back to check on you tomorrow until then good night sleep tight Blondie."

"NO! NOO! LUKE! YOU CAN'T DO THIS!!" I yell at him grabbing onto the bars and watching him go upstairs, but he just turns around giving me a sinister smile and shuts the door behind him leaving me there alone in the dark.


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