20. Lost in the woods

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"What the hell do you think you were doing!?" She yelled at me and I frowned.

"Shouldn't I be the one who should ask that?" I mocked back at her and she frowned this time.

"What do you mean? What did I do?" She asked, anger lacing each line of her's...

"What did I do? What do you think of yourself? A superwoman? Who can find way, to anywhere or anything, anytime and just stroll around in the woods without getting lost? Do you even realise what could have happened???" I yelled at her without any control and jerked her further towards me to stop her wiggling

"It's my wish, whatever I do! It's none of your business!" She snapped and looked straight into my eyes...

"It is! In every way! Because if you are lost, we would be the one who would be worried and we would have to search for you everywhere" I snapped back.

"Is it??? Why will you be worried for me!?" She scoffed and this left me with no answer... I thought for sometime, what to say next. It was like we were having a verbal fight!

"Because I care!" I said softly.

"Why!?" She asked in mere whisper. If I weren't so close, I couldn't hear that...

"Because you are part of the group and I care for you as a friend!!! Not like your boyfriend Sid who didn't even check on you once!" I mocked and saw her frown, her eyes showing disappointment and some unreadable emotion. She then looked away and I saw her clenching her jaw to control her anger...

"He is not! And whatever he does, you don't have to worry about that. It is between us!" She said looking up at me and I rolled my eyes...

"Whatever!!!" I said shrugging and looked here and there. We were literally on edge and one off balance move, we would fall in the valley...

"Leave me!!!" She spat and started wiggling again. Gosh! What's wrong with her!? Can't she stand still for few minutes???

"Shut up! Stand still! You will make us fall!!!" I said managing my balance, with her continuous movement...

"I said let me free!!!" She yelled and continued her work with extra force...

"Stop it! We will fa..." She didn't let me complete as she stomped on my foot and due to this, we lost our balance and my foot slipped into the steep...

We are now, skidding down the slope, rolling. Pia had clung to me while falling and I hugged her to prevent her from any harm... We were continuously rolling until we stopped, by a rock I held with one hand and even the slope was a bit easier now...

Fuck!!! What happened just now??? What are we going to do now!? God! Please help us... I layed down on the land, without thinking of the surroundings and tried to catch hold of my breath, leaning my head back. My head was really spinning like a top, hammering really hard. I heard Pia groaning in my arms, on top of me and I immediately jerked my eyes open and saw her pulling herself off me, sitting beside me...

She was in shock too and breathing really fast. After some while, we pulled ourselves against the base of a huge tree and rested our backs there with the support of each other, resting our shoulders together, catching our senses and recovering from the effect of our fall...

But this is all due to her! Only her! What was the need of wiggling so hard that I would loose my balance!? I am not some untouchable person to act like that...

"It's all your fault" I said, my eyes were closed and head leaned back onto the tree trunk. My body was paining at many places too...

"No! It's yours!!!" Pia snapped, not looking at me either, her position same as mine...

Perennial LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon